Portland Handweavers Guild Board Meeting
7 PM, November 19, 2020
Online Zoom Meeting
- Call to Order – Meeting called to order 7:04pm
- Roll Call: Lynne Fitzsimmons, Chris Rossi, Sue Walsh, Janis Johnson, Linda Edquist, Robin Korybski, Dan Steves, Maggie Patterson, Sylvia Emard
- Minutes approved (Lynne Fitzsimmons)
- WEGO Scholarship Approval (Sue Walsh)
- WEGO has granted PHG a scholarship. PHG must decide to accept or not.
- Lynne moved to accept, Janis seconded
- APPROVED unanimously
- Sue will notify WEGO that we accept; probable distribution is in April 2021
- The Board set a February 2021 Board Meeting deadline to decide what to do with the money.
- Possible PHG participation in GOTG virtual sale (Janis Johnson)
- GOTG refund checks coming soon. PHG will get back all but $1200 (some is GOTG LLC expenses for the coming year).
- It was noted that artists join PHG just to participate in the sale; last year that was $700 income that wasn’t directly sale income.
- There was much discussion on the specifics/mechanics of setting up an online guild sale, directing visitors to the artists, and collecting a commission from their sales.
- The next non-virtual GOTG sale is planned for Mother’s Day weekend 2022.
- Decision: The Board decided to move ahead on this and participate; the goal being to cover our costs and make some money, but not plan on making a lot of money.
- Donations: WARP? HGA? (All)
- Chris will follow up with Lynette to get the HGA dues paid.
- WARP (Weave a Real Peace, Debbie Chandler’s group)
- Discussion on donations in general – keep them local? Limited number of recipients?
- It was noted that we might need our money ourselves.
- Decision: Chris will bring donation requests to the Board; we’ll discuss on an individual basis.
- The Board approved HGA dues and Fiber Trust donation last month.
- Megan Rothstein Grant Confusion; Other Grants
- PHG awarded her a grant, but she never received it.
- Maggie will follow up with Lynette.
- Megan will give a presentation and create a book for the PHG library.
- PHG did budget for grants to help people attend ANWG, but now with no ANWG, the money is available for other grantees.
- PHG should publicize that there is grant money available for 2021.
- Decision: use the Special Project Fund route. $500 grant, Applications accepted Feb-May 1. Flyer/application downloadable through the website.
- Question: did the Rigid Heddle Study Group get their money?
- Audrey Moore Passing
- Sylvia will put an In Memoriam for Audrey Moore in the newsletter.
- Dan and Chris will work on some content for significant PHG members (Honor Roll?).
- Bio
- Images
- Contributions to the PHG/weaving community
- Other
- Janis had suggested to Linda that members do little presentations about different types of looms. Linda will follow up.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:09pm