February Meeting & Program: Giovanna Imperia presents two programs

Note: Recordings of these meetings are available to members on the 2024 Recordings page.

In February, we will have two different programs presented by Giovanna Imperia at the morning and evening meetings. The morning program is “Weaving with Crepe and Elastic Yarns”. The evening program is “Weaving with Metallic Yarns”. The presentations will be by Zoom and the meetings remain hybrid so we can still gather for fellowship, sharing, and library or rental access. Both programs will be recorded and available to members for a limited time.

Weaving with crepe and elastic yarns

Crepe and elastic yarns are what many weavers consider energized or active yarns — yarns that will move during and after the weaving process. Unlike “regular” yarns, crepe and elastic yarns seem to have a life of their own, and have the ability to transform fabric from a flat, two-dimensional surface to a textured 3D fabric.

In this presentation, we will discuss the unique properties of crepe and elastic yarns and how to harness their innate energy to create pleats, bumps and all sort of 3D textures.

We will also discuss the differences not only between crepe and elastic yarns, but also within each group of yarns. We will address a number of questions such as are all the elastic yarns the same? Are there any differences between S and Z crepe yarns? And much more.

Weaving with metallic yarns

Oftentimes, when we think of metallic yarns, we assume we are dealing with metal. In fact, the terms “metal” and “metallic” are sometimes used interchangeably. However, in this presentation, we will focus on those yarns that are manmade and are intended to have the appearance of metal. Some of these yarns do actually contain some metal, but the vast majority just look like they do. Depending on how they are constructed, metallic yarns can have interesting properties: some may be energized, others may shrink, and so on. This presentation will touch on some of the basic differences between metallics and review how they can be effectively used in weaving.

Join the Zoom meeting by clicking this link:

Recordings of these meetings are available
to members on the 2024 Recordings page.

Hourly Schedule

PHG Meeting Schedule

10:00 - 12:00
Morning Meeting
7:00 - 9:00
Evening Meeting


Feb 08 2024


Multnomah Arts Center
7688 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR