Please note that the descriptions here will be updated in the near future. The board is actively working on these updates.
Officer roles are listed first, followed by directors then chairs and reps, each section alphabetically by title.
One year term as President, followed by one year as Past President
- Check mail at PO Box weekly. Distribute mail as appropriate. Check MAC inbox for mail.
- Preside at board meetings and make copies of agenda for board members
- Preside at evening guild meetings. Suggested guild meeting routine:
- Welcome
- Call for new members, guests
- Show and tell
- Announcements
- Raffle display
- Break
- Raffle
- Program chair introduces speaker
- Speaker
- Q & A period
- Bring requests for donations to board for approval before submitting to treasurer
- Attend MAC tenant meetings when requested or appropriate
- Conduct closet inventory with two other board members
- Conduct annual audit with treasurer and one other board member
- The President and only the President is expected to reserve MAC space for programs, workshops and study groups
- Write President’s message for the monthly newsletter
- Sign in with MAC, receive key to front door, leave personal contact information, review their policies regarding tenants (closet) and renters (guild meetings)
- Assist board in filling vacant chair positions
- Help prepare for and expect to attend “new members’ tea”
- Sign storage (closet) lease with MAC. Submit bill to Treasurer
- Working with the programs and workshops chair, submit requests to MAC for meeting space for evening and day meetings, board meetings, workshop and study groups for the following year. Submit bill to Treasurer
- Assist board in preparing the budget for the next fiscal year
- Assist board in preparing a slate for officer elections for the next fiscal year
- Appoint leader for next year’s day meetings.
- Appoint PHG representatives to WeGO and ANWG
- Present next year’s budget to the membership for a motion and a vote
- Present next year’s slate of officers for a motion and a vote
General Information
- 1. Multnomah Arts Center (MAC) 7688 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR 97219. 503-823-2787. Contact person: Colleen Ford.
- PHG PO Box 6676, Portland, OR 97228-6676. Post office SW Broadway & Hoyt
- PHG is a 501(C) 4 nonprofit organization. Federal tax ID #93-9849876 Statereg.#176388-18. See document from Swider & Haver for clarification of legal status
- PHG Insurance policy #97-CQ8621 with State Farm Fire and Casualty Company. Contact person: Sandra Campbell 503-520-8000
- Fiscal year runs from July 1st through June 30th
- Consult Bylaws as well as Policies, Practices and Procedures for further information
Revised February 1998
Revised April 2002
Revised April 2007
Revised August 2010
Revised July 2015 RM
One year term
- Take minutes at board meetings
- Transcribe minutes and email copies to board members within one week after boardmeeting to ask for corrections
- Email corrected copies to board members one week prior to next board meeting
- Bring one printed copy to the next board meeting and have minutes approved by board
- Collect pre-meeting reports from board members to save with minutes
- Record election results at the last meeting of the year in June and file with board minutes
- Save three years of board minutes and board reports for reference
- Write letters on behalf of the Guild as directed by the President or other board members
- Maintain an updated file of board members’ job descriptions
revised July 1998
revised April 2002
revised 2014
revised June 2015 LL
One-year term
Monthly duties
- Pay bills as necessary during the month. Receipts of purchases should accompany the request. Each check written should have one of the following:
- The “Request for payment” form specifying the amount , the Payee, and the expense category
- An email with the same information
- Be a budgeted item, such as OFFF award or education grant
- Be approved by the Board and recorded in the minutes
- Rent for the closet at MAC is a recurring monthly expense and is due on the first of the month. In June the President will sign a lease and inform the Treasurer of the monthly amount. Reservations for classrooms or the auditorium are scheduled as needed. The President will request a check when the rental contract is signed.
- Make deposits as necessary.
- Record all money or checks received in the Receipt Book with the date, amount, and expense category. Receipt copy is given to the payer upon request.
- At the present all banking transactions are recorded in Quicken.
- Accounts are balanced using the electronic download from the bank and the Reconcile feature in Quicken. Statements are accessed thorough online banking.
- Reporting is done from recorded transactions in Quicken
- At the monthly Board meeting present at least 2 reports:
- Current and historical bank balances, such as account balances by quarter for the last 2 years
- Income and expenses for the current fiscal year
- Other reports are prepared as needed or requested, such as for the Spring and Fall Sales, or Day and evening programs.
- After the end of the fiscal year, prepare the above Quicken reports. In addition (presently in an Excel file) prepare a budget to actual report by budget line item and distribute it at the summer Board meeting
Schedule of other duties
July/ August
For new treasurer, transfer Quicken data files and supply password access to bank accounts
For new officers, arrange transfer of signature authority for bank accounts
Form an audit committee of at least 3 members (such as new and former treasurer, new and former president, secretary or committee chairs). Perform annual audit of financial records to ensure that all checks issued were properly documented and all receipts deposited.
Pay ANWG dues of $1 per member (requested by the ANWG rep)
By November 15th for IRS reporting
If our annual receipts are under $50,000, electronically submit form 990-N, the e-postcard. If they are over $50,000, file form 990
November (for fall sale)
Issue checks based on data received from the Fall Sale treasurer. Deposit monies received and record credit card deposits in Quicken
Pay WeGO dues of $.50 per member (requested by the WeGO rep)
Issue Form 1099’s to members whose total of checks written for income (not expense reimbursements) exceeds $600 for the calendar year
April or May (for spring sale)
Issue checks based on data received from the Fall Sale treasurer. Deposit monies received and record credit card deposits in Quicken
Prepare a proposed budget for the following fiscal year to be discussed and voted on at the May board meeting. Data should include last year’s budget and actuals, current year-to-date actuals, and proposed budget.
Provide copies and present the proposed budget to the membership at the general meeting, facilitate the discussion and call for a vote.
As Needed
Check with Recording Librarian for expiration dates of magazine subscriptions
General Information:
- The fiscal year is July 1st through June 30th
- Our Federal Tax ID# 93-0849876
- PHG is non-profit, tax-exempt under 503(c)4 (educational)
- State Registration #176388-18
Revised 6/15 MC
At-Large Director
One year term
- Attend board meetings.
- Communicate concerns of the membership with the board.
- Provide historical context and/or common practices of other guilds and groups during board discussions.
Communications Director
One year term
GOAL: A well maintained, up-to-date website and monthly newsletter
PURPOSE: to inform PHG membership of important news, information and events. Community outreach relating to the mission and activities of PHG.
DUTIES: The Director of Communications oversees the Webmaster of the PHG website, the Newsletter Editor, the USPS Mail Sender, and any other helpers on the website. She/he works closely with the Membership Director.
I. Webmaster of the PHG Website:
- Go through entire website and update;
- edit where necessary.
- Update forms and applications as needed, eg: Grants form, membership form, sales entry forms.
- Contact Programs Director to get program information for the year
- If Programs does not give you Bios and information, search internet for this information.
- Search internet for pertinent pictures relating to the programs.
- Place list of programs on the website.
- Contact Workshops Director to get workshop information for the year.
- Once again obtain bios and info on person giving workshop.
- Obtain description of workshop, dates, times, place, and photos.
- Workshop Director will provide you with a sign-up form to place as adownloadable item onto the website.
- Each year after the Directory is printed, Membership Director will give you the new Roster List: place this on members-only page of website.
- Replace Rental Equipment List if it has changed.
- Replace the Closet Inventory when new one is done each year.
- Remove all outdated files and pictures from the Library (on the website) and replace with current information.
- Go through entire website and update;
- Maintain updated member lists.
- Contact the Membership Director to get new member names.
- Input new names into MailChimp member list. The Newsletter Editor may do this if desired.
- Maintain and update the Additions and Corrections to the Roster List after roster is published. (Separate downloadable list on members-only page). This can be done by the Membership person as well per an agreement.
- Maintain and update Guild News and Events page
- Add new news items as needed. Delete outdated items.
- Policy: We may publish news of profitable new business ventures forPHG members only. (eg: someone has published a book). These items will run no longer than 1 month.
- Maintain and update Home page.
- Update quick-view table after meetings and board meetings.
- Add president’s message traditionally given to you by president on a monthly basis.
- Note items of interest that are current, any themes, group projects or activities, add photos, etc.
- The Webmaster receives Contact Inquiries from people who have questions. Currently the Webmaster must answer these.
- Answer on an as-needed basis – daily to weekly.
- Add new information to reference database for future use.
- Utilize expertise of other PHG members as needed.
- Maintain and update For Sale page on website.
- Items on the For Sale page are for PHG members only, and the post is at no cost.
- Items will run for two months only unless other arrangements are made.
- Update For Sale page monthly: add and delete as needed.
- On Members Only page, update the Board Minutes and Newsletters; remove outdated info.
- Send out Updates to the newsletter mid-month when there is vital information that needs to be communicated before the next newsletter.
- The Updates should be totally written for you and need no editing.
- Updates should be limited to once a month or less.
- Per an agreement, the Newsletter person can send the Updates.
- Maintain updated member lists.
II. Oversee Newsletter Editor
- Keep in good communication with and be available for the Newsletter Editor.
- Keep the Editor apprised of news items and events for the letter, as well as yourself.
- Do final edit / read-over of the newsletter before it is sent.
- Help troubleshoot problems with MailChimp.
- Contact Stellar Websites for support if flummoxed.
- Train Newsletter Editor how to use MailChimp as needed.
III. Oversee Snail Mail Sender
- Keep in good communication with and be available for questions.
- Provide templates for address labels and return address labels.
- Train sender how to perform job as needed.
Training: It is necessary to undergo training on how to use the website and on the use of the program MailChimp. The PHG website was developed and is hosted by Homespun Websites, (aka “Stellar Websites”). Homespun Websites should train new people at no cost. Homespun : 4849 SE Division St, Portland, OR 97206
(503) 922-1276
Written August 2015 KRD
Community Involvement Director
Two year term, appointed in odd-numbered years
Appoints Directors of Exhibits and Demonstrations
- In the event that there is no chairperson for the Exhibits Committee and Demonstration Committee, the Director of Outreach oversees the various jobs and delegated them to individual volunteers if possible. The Director of Outreach provides advice, recommendations, and supplies necessary details and assistance to support exhibits and demos.
- Maintain contact with the two committee chairs and other volunteers. Attend Board Meetings and report on the status of projects.
- Maintain contact with Guild members through the newsletter and website and provide announcements at meetings. Information should appear in at least two consecutive newsletters on the website prior to any event. Three months ahead is better.
- Keep track of timelines and long range planning in order to provide continuity, sometimes three years in advance.
- Keep records on projects indicating how successful they were – what worked and what didn’t. Keep records of all dates, contracts, and contacts.
- Create a yearly budget for exhibits. Expenses may include the following:
- Announcement cards – design and printing. Example: MAC supplied postage for 250 (our list) and 250 (their list). Number of cards needed now could be 700 as per the venue.
- Actual exhibit setup – ID cards, signage, setup expenses, props, correspondence, copying.
- Reception expenses – paper service, beverages, etc. MAC did reimburse us one year. New sites may have other costs and reimburement policies. .
- Create a yearly budget for demonstrations.
- Budget varies.
- State Fair demos may require mailing parking permits to participants. Administered by WeGO Rep. State Fair procedure has changed as of 2015.
- Warps and wefts are needed; get reimbursed from PHG or use donated materials.
- Processes awards for various events such as ANWG Conference and communicates/ coordinates with that event chair.
Revised June 1998
Revised May 2007 by LLW
Revised August 2010 by LLW
Revised June 2015 LLW
Development Director
We are looking for a volunteer to act as director of development to secure financial support for our organization. The director of development will set and achieve fundraising goals, maintain knowledge of fundraisers’ interests, and cultivate relationships with fellow members and volunteers.
Director of Development Responsibilities:
- Collaborating with the board of directors and other guild members to create and implement a fundraising plan.
- Furnishing board with regular progress reports.
- Collaborating with a network to identify and build relationships with new donors.
- Maintaining relationships with existing members/sponsors.
- Obtaining financial support from individuals and organizations.
- Generating development materials such as grants and case statements.
- Identifying and assisting a donations chair with processing/evaluation of donatedassets.
- Work with other board members to gather volunteer information and collatevolunteer hours.
- Develop and document donation policies and procedures.
Development Director Requirements:
- Proficient with sponsorship solicitation and familiarity with seeking and filing grant applications.
- Proficient with applying computer skills to development projects.
- Proficient with social media platforms.
- Understanding of best practices.
- Outstanding communication skills, both verbal and written.
- Ability to work independently.
Draft Outline, 8/24/23
Approved by board on 8/24/23
Education Director
One year term
Appoints Program Chair and Workshop Chair
- Attend board meetings.
- Check in with appointed chairs before each Board Meeting and report to the Board of Directors.
- Encourage the formation of study groups and work with Newsletter Editor and Webmaster to publicize and promote study groups.
- Appoint committees to review grants and scholarships.
- Assist Director of Outreach with exhibits and demonstrations as appropriate.
- Work with chairs to develop Theme of the Year during odd years, and with ANWG rep during even years to develop Theme of the Year in support of the biannual ANWG conference theme.
Revised May 2020
Member Services Director
Appoints Librarians, Book Order Chair, Refreshment Chair, Historian, Raffle Chair and Rentals Chair
- Attend board meetings.
- Act as liaison between appointees and the Board.
- Work with librarians and rental chairs to manage resources and plan new acquisitions.
- Assist with planning the June meeting refreshments.
- Attend Board Meetings.
Revised May 2020
Membership Director
Two-year term
- Maintain membership records
- Maintain membership records in electronic database.
- Record dues and update membership records as new memberships are received
- Keep membership file updated.
- Retain and organize completed hardcopy membership forms alphabetically in 3-ring binder
- Provide names and addresses of new members to President for New Member Tea
- Provide a digital copy of members to Webmaster for online roster
- Provide names of new members to Member Services (for preparation of buttons) Newsletter, andWebsite monthly as well as pdf of membership files to board members upon request
- Acknowledge receipt of forms from new members with a welcome letter and copy of the currentroster
- Collect dues throughout the year at monthly meetings and by mail
- Record payment information on membership form
- Publish reminders for membership and dues renewal in April and May newsletter along with a copy of the new renewal form
- Forward money and checks for dues to the Treasurer in a timely manner
- E-mail renewal reminders to members in June and attach a membership form
- Prepare new membership form for the following year in April
- Forward a copy for uploading on the website in April
- Include a copy with the reminder in the newsletter
- Take hard copies to meetings April through September
- Prepare annual membership roster
- Solicit ads for the Roster in May and June
- Prepare ads for printing
- Send out bills for advertisements with Membership Director’s return address d. Record advertising payment as received and forward checks to Treasurer
- Update Guild rental equipment information annually in roster
- Print 200 copies of the Roster
- Submit printer invoice to Treasurer for reimbursement
- Distribute rosters at Guild meetings. Track who picks up a roster and obtain corrections
- Prepare labels in a timely manner and mail rosters to members who have not picked them up at Guild meetings
- Attend Board Meetings
- Other duties as assigned
Revised May 1998
Revised April 2002
Revised July 2007
Revised May 2015
Organization Liaison Director
One year term
Job Description for the Organization Liaison Director
Appoints ANWG and WeGO Reps and Conference Booth Committee Chair
- Attend board meetings.
- Ensure effective communication between PHG and other weaving and textile arts organizations, including ANWG, WeGO, HGA, and Complex Weavers.
- Works with Director of Education during odd numbered years to ensure yearly theme is in sync with and supportive of ANWG conference theme.
Created May 2020
Sales Director
Job Description for Director of Sales
One year term
Board Duties
- Attend Board Meetings as needed to report on the Sale.
- Report all income and expenses to the PHG Treasurer
- Make a final Sale report to the Board.
Sale Duties
For PHG sales only, set a date, locate an appropriate venue and negotiate the rental agreement.
If participating in Gathering of the Guilds, the Sale chair will attend the GOTG Steering Committee meetings and communicate via email with other representatives of participating Guilds. Share information with sale committee and the PHG Board. Review and Sign the GOTG Guild Joint Exhibition Agreement. Determine which items are covered jointly with GOTG and which PHG needs to arrange for. Decide on amount of booth space needed as part of the GOTG floor plan. Decide on amount PHG can contribute for advertising.
Choose a co-chair for next year. Discuss how you will divide the workload.
Form a Sale committee with positions for Treasurer, Guild Booth Coordinator, Publicity,
Postcards/Signage, Social Media, Volunteer Coordinator, Demonstrations, Family Activities, GOTG Collaborations, Door Prize Drawing, Moving Props from MAC. Schedule Sale committee meetings, prepare agendas and distribute meeting minutes.
Publicize Sale in the newsletter each month. Stress the importance of all members taking part in this outreach activity not just vendors. Distribute Sale postcards to all members. Social Media Coordinator will post items promoting the sale on PHG and GOTG Facebook pages or any other appropriate social media.
Review Policies and Procedures for the Sale and get approval of PHG Board of any changes.
Prepare Sale documents including Entry Form, order forms, informational letters, sample inventory sheets and tags and anything else vendors need in writing.
Notify PHG members of Sale dates and application procedures and deadline for entering.
After entry forms are received, determine number of booths needed and negotiate more or less space if possible. Contact other fiber artists about participating and joining the Guild to fill empty booths if needed.
Finalize layout and assign booths.
Compile the order for props and services from OCC decorator for individuals and what the Guild needs. Order all props and services.
Oversee set up, sale event and take down throughout the weekend. See that all income and expenses are reported to the PHG Treasurer.
Hold a Wrap up Sale committee meeting to thank the committee and review what worked and what didn’t and make recommendations for next year.
Make a final report to the PHG Board about the Sale.
Revised 2015
ANWG Representative
Appointed by Organization Liaison Director
- Keep contact with ANWG through ANWG Board, Newsletter, Committees, etc.
- Attend yearly meetings. Meeting in the conference year is at the NW Conference. ANWG has instituted the policy now to have the off-conference year AGM at the site of the upcoming conference. (What is AGM?)
- Submit article about ANWG activities to PHG Newsletter and website when Northwest News is published.
- Report to PHG board on relevant ANWG activity and information.
- Follow ANWG policies and procedures for Reps.
- Notify treasurer when to pay ANWG membership dues.
- Notify Guild members of educational opportunities such as Conference scholarships, workshop grants, etc.
Exhibits Chair
One Year Term
- For the Annual Exhibit of Members‘ Work, Director of Outreach will:
- Arrange for exhibit space for PHG exhibit on a timely basis, usually 2 to 3 years in advance
- Sign contract prior to the exhibit date.
- Arrange for an Exhibit Coordinator to oversee details and hanging of the exhibit.
- Plan the theme (may adopt either the “Theme of the Year” or the ANWG Booth theme for this exhibit).
- Provide information to guild members via announcements at meetings and through the newsletter and the website.
- Arrange for personnel or volunteers to plan and hang the show.
- Plan, print, and mail announcement cards (check gallery policy).
- Schedule gallery hostesses if required.
- Arrange details for reception if scheduled.
- Arrange details for Gallery talk if scheduled.
- Contact juror if needed.
- Provide news releases and publicity material and digital photographs to the Exhibit venue coordinator for the Gallery to use in the format they require.
- Calculate budget necessary for the venue and activity and turn in information the PHG Treasurer for budget planning and Board approval.
- The Director of Outreach can be contacted for volunteers to help with any phase of putting on an exhibit.
- Submit newsletter articles and website information about upcoming events on a timely basis. Generally, information should be placed in at least two consecutive newsletters prior to the event and two months in advance on website. .Call for volunteers can be three to four months in advance.
Budget will vary according to the venue of the exhibit. At MAC, PHG prints enough announcement cards for our needs and then we supply MAC with the number of cards they request for them to mail. We label the number permitted from our mailing list. MAC pays the postage for our list.
Other expenses include cost of designing and drafting the announcement card, ID cards for the exhibit, signage, setup expenses, props, correspondence, other communications and copying expenses.
Add reception costs, including paper service, beverages, etc. MAC reimbursed us sometimes in the past. New sites may have other costs.
Other Information
Currently PHG exhibits in these venues:
- Multnomah Arts Center Gallery: Director of Outreach has initiated the request and will provide details regarding MAC Gallery (two years lead time) and turn over project to Exhibits Chair closer to scheduled date. (In 2013 Multnomah Arts Center now asks for proposals for exhibits to be set up on a specific schedule. Deadline for submitting proposals has been September of year prior to year of exhibit. September approval and selection for the following year schedule. As Sept. 2015 for year 2016. Information obtained and details obtained from MAC Gallery on line at MAC website. Generally only allowed to use venue once every two years.
- As of 2013 Multnomah Arts Center Lobby Showcases are no longer available for other users. They are reserved for the classes and workshops offered by MAC.
- As of 2012 PHG is no longer affiliated with the Museum of Contemporary Crafts for exhibiting at their facility. However it might be possible to submit a proposal to exhibit in the Community Showcase venue.
- Educational Exhibits have been provided to OFFF the last full weekend for several years. This is less formal event. Minimal budget usually for signage. No mailing of events notices. Director of Outreach submits information to OFFF in Spring prior to the printing of their booklet and sends requests for items to PHG website and newsletter .and personally contacts individuals by e- mail.. Generally two months to three months in advance of September meeting when items for the exhibit are collection. PHG tries to focus on OFFF focal fiber and focal technique whenever possible and provides educational signage to explain processes and materials.
Revised March 2013 LLW
Revised June 2015 LLW.
One year term
The PHG Library has approximately 900-1000 books, videos, and samples for loan to Guild Members. The library also maintains current magazine subscriptions to 6 publications.
- Checking out books:
- Stamp the date of the next meeting on 3” x 5” cards. The member then inserts this dated card in place of the title card in the pocket of the book/periodical. The member completes the information requested on the title card and leaves that with us. The title card is then stamped with the date due for our records.
- Due date is the following meeting, generally one month. Items checked out at the June meeting may be kept for the summer and are due at the September meeting
- A limit of three items may be checked out at any one time.
- Checking in books:
- Remove the due date card and replace the title card in the pocket of the book/ periodical. Replace items on the shelves in the appropriate areas. Older issues of VAV magazine have an English translation pamphlet that is secured in each issue. Check to be sure that they are returned with the issue.
- An overdue fee of $1 is collected per book per month. The fees are collected as petty cash to purchase basic supplies for the library.
- E-mail notices of overdue books are sent at the Librarian’s discretion.
- Acquisition of new items:
- New issues of magazines are sent to the guild’s post office box and brought to the meeting by the guild president. Magazines are marked with the name (i.e. Handwoven), issue number, issue date, and inventory number on the checkout card pocket and checkout card. Place issue year stickers and PHG address stickers on the cover. Check box in periodical notebook that issue has been received.
- Consult with the recording librarian as to category assignment and processing.
- Print magazine indices to be accessed during meetings as available.
- Maintain library shelving:
- Reorganize shelves as necessary to allow for easy access to materials. Consult with recording librarian to create new categories if warranted. Post new signs on shelving for ease of use.
- Move new items from new shelf to permanent location after six months.
- If necessary and reasonable, archive older magazines in storage closet. Decide whether or not to keep duplicates. If withdrawing duplicates offer for sale to members. Sale proceeds are added to library budget for new materials.
- Arrive at the monthly meeting early enough so that the library can be available for members for 15 to 30 minutes before each meeting as well as at the break. Return the bookcases to the Guild’s storage area at the close of the meeting.
- We have so many good reference materials, particularly sample books, that the shelves cannot accommodate everything. You may choose to change the selection from time to time and perhaps have the other materials in the “stacks” available on demand similar to some public libraries.
- An annual inventory is taken. Repair materials as needed.
- The librarians have keys to the PHG closet. The keys are authorized by MAC and need to be signed over to new librarians at the MAC office.
- Submit changes to guild’s website library page to PHG web mistress as needed .
- Refer to “Library” section of PHG Policies and Procedures for additional information.
Revised April 1998
Revised April 2002
Revised July 2007
Revised October 2015 RK
Newsletter Administrator Chair
One – Two year term
Portland Handweavers Guild sends a monthly newsletter to members September through June. Updates are generated as needed.
- Produce a monthly, online newsletter and send to membership at the end of each month. The newsletter is sent electronically approximately a week to 10 days before each PHG guild meeting. A hard copy is mailed to those without email.
- PHG is currently using the application MailChimp to send the email newsletter out. The newsletter editor must become familiar with the MailChimp application. This can be accomplished by working with the previous editor, the webmaster, and contacting HomeSpun websites for training.
- Send updates and other relevant news items to webmaster each month to assist in keeping website current and for the “Updates” newsletter.
- Attend board meetings when possible. (This is encouraged, but not required).
In preparation for writing each newsletter, duties include:
- Contact program chairs for updates
- Check with president about including a “President’s Message”
- Include highlights of information from PHG website each month after it has been updated by webmaster, Drive readers to the PHG web for details.
- Research and write community and guild news of current and upcoming events and other news of interest to the membership.
- Edit members’ interview section and encourage members to submit an interview.
- Ensure that dates, times and other details particular to the current month are updated.
- Send a draft of the newsletter to webmaster for the final edit before sending final draft to membership.
- Send final newsletter.
- Updates are sent out by the newsletter editor or the webmaster as needed, ie. When important info needs to be sent before the next newsletter will be generated.
Written Fall 2015: L. Hershey and K. Dobbins
Program Chair
One year term
Appoints Chairperson of the Conference Booth Committee, Chairperson of the Theme of the Year, Hospitality Chair, and Day Programs Chair.
Job Description for Director of Programs
- Plan, schedule, and coordinate the monthly Guild programs. This includes budgeting, contacting with speakers, arranging facilities, props, and display materials, and assisting speakers with setting up on meeting nights.
- Must work closely with Workshop Chair to coordinate program and workshops in order to save on travel expenses, which can often be paid out of the workshop fees.
- Meeting Activities:
- Verify arrangements for the speaker’s dinner. All speakers are taken to dinner at PHG expense.
- Set up slide and/or digital projector and extension cords, if needed.
- Set up podium with cordless microphone and light if needed.
- Assist speaker with display materials or props.
- Introduce speaker.
- Turn lights on and off during program (5 switches stage right).
- Make sure microphone is audible (inset box with adjustments is on back wall of auditorium).
- Assist speaker at meeting end and help clean up props, etc.
- Confirm next month’s speaker.
- Submit newsletter articles to editor.
- Send thank you notes to previous speaker (may combine with workshop note).
- Review upcoming schedule for gaps or omissions.
- Communicate with Workshop Chair to make sure registrations are sufficient. If not, arrange for an alternate speaker.
- Review budget.
- Submit expense forms for reimbursement.
- Pay speakers.
After New Years and/or during summer
- Assemble a list of prospective speakers.
- Submit budget for approval.
- Contact speakers for new program year.
- Establish a schedule for correspondence and contracts.
- Schedule entire year by October, if possible.
- Include program schedule in September newsletter.
- Keep track of postage and phone expenses for reimbursement.
- Weftover Sale – Tables are for sale at $5.00 per half table and $10.00 per full table. Participants do their own set up and take-down. Proceeds go to WARP (Weave a Real Peace).
- Annual Banquet – Program Chair works with Member Services and/or Refreshment Chair to arrange table settings, refreshments, door prizes, etc.
This has not been revised
Revised June 1998
Revised April 2007
Rentals Chair
One Year Term
- This is a person-specific job which includes managing PHG rental equipment including inventory, records, scheduling, purchase, maintenance, publishing availability in newsletter and PHG members only page.
- Notebook in PHG closet contains all details for procedure, forms and receipt book.
- Collect rental fee, (check or cash), and deposit (check or cash). Deposit will be returned to renter when equipment has been returned properly in good working order. Renter must be a PHG member in good standing, sign agreement and provide contact information: e-mail, address and phone number. A receipt is given for incoming checks or cash. Give a separate receipt for deposit.
- Itemize monies received and checks/cash turned over to the Treasurer. Retain the deposit check until equipment returned.
- Instruct renter in proper use of equipment plus how to secure for travel. Ask that the equipment be secured the same way for return.
- Check equipment on return to make sure it is in good working order and all pieces there. Ask renter if any issues arose during use.
- Keep a record of maintenance and costs. Keep records of purchases (all details including cost, date and from whom purchased plus any user manuals.
- Photograph incoming new equipment and add to roster list. Send to the webmaster for placement on website; to the equipment list and the color catalog.
- Arrange with President or other Board member for access to rental equipment when away. Communication is important.
- Priority goes to PHG needs before renting out. Use for PHG Guild events (as demos) first. Use for PHG workshops second, personal rental by a PHG member third.
- If rental equipment inventory changes, send an update to webmaster so that list can be updated on website. This should include list and catalog updates.
There is now a list of rental equip on the website and in the roster. A color catalog of the equipment is available on the members only section of the website.
Revised August 2010
Reviewed and Revised 2015 LLW
Social Media Chair
Job Description for Facebook Administrator
One year term
Board Duties
Keep Board informed on status of Facebook page.
- Appoint other members as administrators who can post to the Facebook page. One administrator will also be the PHG administrator for Gathering of the Guilds.
- Keep Facebook page current and up to date.
- Post information about PHG events that are open to the public. See Policies and Procedures for other items to post on the page.
- Delete any offensive posts or any that do not meet the purpose of the page.
- Respond to inquiries posted on the page.
Written Fall 2015 LW
Spring Sale Chair
Job Description for Director of Sales: Spring Sale Spring Sale at the Convention Center
One year term
Board Duties
- Attend Board Meetings per year (fourth Thursday of the month).
- Immediately after sale the previous year:
- Make sure space is secured for next year.
- Contact Lisa Chan 503-235-7575
- Choose co-chair for next year and ask him or her if they will volunteer.
- Discuss how you will divide the workload and who else might help.
- Put together a budget vs actual expenditure document to present to the Board.
- Send thank you notes to committee members.
By Month:
- Submit budget to Board for upcoming year.
- Review publicity materials. If the format is to change, choose an artist and begin to work with him or her.
- Develop timeline for press release/publicity distribution/mailing.
- Clean up mailing list.
- Publicize sale in newsletter each month from now on.
- Begin planning demos (this would be a good task to delegate).
- Invite any nonguild members that you would like to have join the Guild and participate.
- Submit article for Guild newsletter by January 15.
- Write press release; mail early in the month to publications needing long lead times.
- Find out who is planning to participate and what props to use.
- Artwork to printer by end of month (distribute publicity materials at March meeting so we will have time to distribute to other guilds. Ask Ladella about other guilds and how many pieces for each.)
- Recruit volunteers who will do the mailing.
- Find thrums for the bookmarks (Linda Hendrickson has great ones!)
- Have sale labels, agreements, and inventory sheets copied (or have people copy their own from back of roster).
- Have signs made for easels.
- Submit article for Guild newsletter by February 15.
- Distribute bookmarks and flyers, sale labels, sale agreements, and inventory sheets at Guild meeting.
- Start collecting signups for volunteers the days of the sale at the Guild meeting.
- Have insurance company send certificate of insurance to Convention Center. If you have questions about insurance, call Arlene at the Convention Center : 503-731-7825. See page 2 of the contract for insurance requirements.
- Since we have no paid help, we have not been required to provide Workman’s Comp., Employer’s Liability Insurance, or Automobile Liability Insurance. We do need to name the additional insureds listed in item 3e.
- Our insurance company phone #: 1-800-457-2379. Policy #52UUCJI2093. FAX #210-735-6431, Contact: Marsha.
- Schedule paid advertising.
- Contact Convention Center Event Coordinator and arrange for a phone line (for credit card authorizations), electricity, tables, chairs, and easels.
- Need at least 5 easels: three for hallway downstairs, and one upstairs by each escalator.
- Make sure Treasurer has us set up to take credit cards.
- Mail general press release by end of month.
- Submit article for Guild newsletter by March 15.
- Mailing to post office at least 1 month prior to sale.
- Distribute artwork, sale labels, sale agreements, and inventory sheets at Guild Meeting.
- Finish collecting signups for volunteers the day of the sale.
- Confirm participants and props.
- Produce floor plan. (We have not been required to submit this to the Convention Center, but for Fire Regulations be sure not to block any doors, obscure any exit signs, and leave aisles at least 10’ wide.)
- Arrange 1 or 2 trucks to take props from closet to and from the sale.
- Submit article for Guild newsletter by March 25th if sale is end of April, otherwise by April 15.
Late April or May
- Sale! If the room is available, we try to set up as much as possible Thursday night. Music is nice.
- Provide name tags for the volunteers.
- We can usually get into the building as early as 6AM, but have to get the security guards to let us in.
Revised September 1998
Revised Fall 2015–MZeps
WeGO Rep
One year term
Appointed by Organization Liaison Director
WeGO demonstration at the Oregon State Fair: Publicize and recruit PHG members for PHG day at the fair. The Oregon State Fair is usually held the last week of August through Labor Day. PHG members currently provide one day of volunteers, roughly two shifts per day if possible. Volunteers have received free parking permits and free admission to the fairgrounds on the day of service for five hours (four on duty and one for meal break). There is a timeline to follow with deadlines involved. These may change from year to year. The main contact is the WeGO State Fair Demonstrations Chair. PHG’s day has traditionally been the last Sunday in August.
Budget: Travel for Rep to attend the WeGO meetings. Hotel cost if meeting is too far away for a day trip.
Workshop Chair
Term: 1 Year (renewable)
Reports to Director of Education
Over the course of the membership year (Sept-June), the Workshop Chair arranges for a number (typically 3-4) workshops for Guild members, taking into account the varied member interests and skill levels.
Yearly Duties (ongoing)
- Solicit member input on workshop topics of interest
- Provide a varied selection of topics at different skill levels (i.e. shaft loom, rigid heddle, band weaving, sewing handwovens, dyeing, computer loom usage andso on)
- Recruit and schedule workshop instructors
- Schedule a facility to hold the workshop
- Coordinate with the Program Chair for the monthly program scheduling, todetermine if the workshop chair should also be providing the monthly programtalk.
- Coordinate with other Guild activities to avoid conflicts (Guild Sale in November,Gathering of the Guilds in April, Retreat, Annual Meeting in June)
- Determine workshop cost (see policies for specifics)
- Draft a contract (see policies for specifics)
- Get contract approved by Director of Education, Program Chair (if applicable) and President before sending to the instructor
- Negotiate any contract changes
- Get the contract signed by the President and the instructor
- Publicize the workshops via all Guild outlets and at the monthly meetings. Explore other outlets (neighboring guilds, ANWG, WEGO) if registration appears to be insufficient.
- Update the Guild website with additional workshop information as it becomes available
- Submit any newsletter articles to the editor by the deadline (25th of the month).
- Submit a report to the Director of Education.
Individual Workshop
- Arrange transportation (to Portland and local) and housing for the instructor.
- Determine the per participant workshop cost (see policies for specifics).
- Accept registrations.
- UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES accept registrations until the contract and location is finalized, and variable costs called out in the contract are estimated.
- Communicate workshop info to participants.
- Acknowledge their registration.
- Serve as intermediary between the instructor and the participants.
- Send reminder/followup mailings.
- Address participant issues/concerns.
- Get checks from Treasurer to pay the instructor and facility rental.
- Pay the instructor and the facility.
- Prior to the workshop, get the key and do any facility set-up required.
- At the workshop
- Collect any remaining fees from participants (usually just the materials fee)
- Provide any equipment the instructor requested (it should be in the contract. Bydefault, we provide whiteboard markers and eraser)
- Assist the instructor as needed, or recruit an attendee to do so (might be fetchinglunch, doing a copy store run, whatever)
- After the workshop
- Return any keys and do any cleanup required by the facility
- Collect any left behind items
- Gather participant feedback on the workshop, regarding both the instructor andthe guild organization.
- Collect any expense receipts from the instructor
- Send all the instructor’s variable cost receipts to the Treasurer forreimbursement. Follow up to ensure reimbursement.
- Submit a final workshop financial report to the Director of Education.
- If workshop instructor is paid, send a thank you email. If free or token payment, send a thank you note.
- Notify the Director of Education of any issues or concerns that
- may require intervention or action beyond the authority of the Workshop Chairperson, such as approving additional speaker expense reimbursements or modifying a contract,
- that have an adverse impact on the workshop offering, such as unexpected lossof site or low enrollment that could mean cancelling the workshop, or
- the Workshop Chair requires additional expertise or resources to resolve.
Document Last Revised Saturday, April 24, 2021