Special Projects Fund

Portland Handweavers Guild
Special Project Fund Information

Is there a craft or an aspect of your craft you would like to learn more about? Portland Handweavers Guild would like to give you money to do this! The Portland Handweavers Guild encourages innovation, sharing, research and experimentation in the fiber arts. In order to support members in their explorations, the guild offers an annual special projects fund to a member or study group. Funds are available for both experienced weavers as well as new members just beginning their fiber arts journey. Anyone with a strong desire to learn is eligible. Funds are awarded to current PHG members only. The required information is outlined in the downloadable flier (see below).

List of Past PHG Special Fund Awards and Topics:

  • 2024 | Rebecca Norwood, Workshop at Marshfield School of Weaving
  • 2017 | Leah Hershey, Japanese Textile Tour
  • 2016 | Sylvia Emmard, International Shibori Symposium, Oaxaca, MX
  • 2015 | Sharon Allworth, Peruvian Textile Tour
  • 2014 | Bev Phelps, Ryijy (Rya) Rug Weaving Technique
  • 2011 | Pam Patrie, Construction & Weaving of Collectible Shawls
  • 2010 | Teresa Ruch, Deflection & Distortion in Weaving
  • 2009 | Sarah Auker, Weaving Baskets on a Loom w Workshop
  • 2008 | Anita Osterhaug, Norweigian Billedvev

Portland Handweavers Guild Special Projects Funding Policy

Purpose: The purpose of this fund is to provide guild members with financial support for their ideas for special projects related to weaving and textile arts so that recipients can develop themselves as fiber artists. Grants may be to individuals or study groups, and applicants are expected to share their findings and/or experiences with the guild. The process is intended to be administratively simple in order to encourage participation. 

Special Funds Application

Applications are accepted throughout the year. 

The special projects budget for 2024-2025 is $300. 

Please contact the PHG Director of Education with any questions.

New members (a year or less) and new weavers (less than three years) are encouraged to apply! Study Groups are also encouraged to apply.

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