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Covid Notice

PHG has resumed in-Person Meetings. We will follow the MAC guidelines. Vaccinations and masking are encouraged but not required. Please take common sense health precautions to protect yourself & avoid exposing others if you feel unwell. Thanks & stay safe!

PHG Meeting Info

NOTICE: Meetings will be held both in-person and on Zoom until further notice. Zoom links are provided in the PHG Calendar where Zoom participation is available.

PHG meets on the second Thursday of every month during September - June at the Multnomah Art Center.

Morning Meetings 10am - noon, 9:30am social
Evening Meetings 7pm - 9pm, 6:30 social

Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings generally follow the same agenda:
* Welcome new members and guests
* Show and Share
* Brief Announcements
* Short Social Time
* Program Presentation

Multnomah Arts Center
7688 Southwest Capitol Highway,
Portland, OR 97219-2489
Phone: (503) 823-2787

PHG Board Meeting 5-24-22

Portland Handweavers Guild Board Meeting
7 PM, May 24, 2022
Online Zoom Meeting

May 24, 2022

  1. Call to Order – Meeting started at 7:00pm
  2. Roll Call: Linda Edquist, Robin Korybski, Dan Steves, Sylvia Emard, Sarah McCully-Posner, Lynette Peterson, Sue Walsh, Mike Schlieski
  3. Approval of Minutes: April Board Meeting Minutes unanimously approved
  4. Individual Topics
  1. Vote for Slate of 2022 Officers
    1. Mike Schlieski for treasurer.  He was in banking and was the treasurer of the Multnomah Village Business Association.  He’s very familiar with Quickbooks and Paypal.
    2. Dan
    3. Lynne
    4. The slate of officers as recommended by the board is
      1. President – Dan Steves
      2. Treasurer – Mike Schlieski
      3. Secretary – Lynne Fitzsimmons

2. Discussion, other positions

  1. Sarah offered up to be Membership Chair, in addition to helping Cooki with Outreach.
  2. Is Bertha going to be the WEGO (or ANWG, not explicitly called out in the meeting) rep?  Sue will be doing it for one more year; has to go to the meetings anway.

3. Budget Discussion – Income

  1. Membership – use the figure from last year
  2. Fall/Spring Sales – money from the sales, do we delete from the GOTG dues we pay.  Dan clarified that the sales (mostly GOTG) have expenses and income, should be called out separately.  Should split the Fall and Spring sales in the budget.  Apparently money was made at GOTG.
    1. GOTG – $9200 income, still about $1000 more in expense to pay.  Budget $12000 for income for next year
    2. Fall Sale – 2019 actual was $386.  Bulk of expense is facility rental.  Should also budget for advertising and postcards.  Facility rental will be $578 for gym plus room for the Weftover sale; was $398 in 2019. Weftover made $500.  Budget $700.
  3. Workshops – budget $1000
  4. Donations (sale of really big donated loom) – we can’t really budget for those  put them in Capital and Reserve
  5. Rentals – $400.  Deposits need to be accounted for separately, as those go back.  Rentals have been really good for the past 2 years; don’t know if COVID accounted for that.
  6. Web page ads – $120

4. Budget Discussion – Expenses

  1. Admin – $500 (PO Box, postage, etc)
  2. ANWG – $100  Maybe $200 for the PHG Booth at ANWG, which no one has yet stepped up to organize
  3. Community Outreach $100
  4. Equipment/Maintenance $2000 for new computer and new library racks.  Maybe move to capital, because these aren’t recurring expenses.  So maybe $200
  5. Grants and Scholarships – $225
  6. Liability Insurance – $500
  7. Library – same as last year
  8. MAC Closet – $2100
  9. MAC Facility Rentals – $2215
  10. Organization dues – $300
  11. Programs – $4000
  12. Fiber Awareness Organizations, like Portland Textile Month.  Maybe we pay for someone to give a lecture $200-250
  13. GOTG Expense – $9000
  14. Zoom – $200 (is $15/month)

5. Sylvia has to publish the proposed budget in the newsletter

6. Approving Quickbooks Online starting next year.  Billy suggested going through Tech Soup, and getting the nonprofit one-time fee.  Put in Capital and Reserve; either $75 or $160; will clarify.

7. GOTG Update

  1. Papercutters want in will join up with us
  2. The potters made more money than the last time
  3. Attendance up Friday, Sat ok, Sun not so much; sales tracked that.

8. Thought for Textile Month – move Weftovers to Textile Month, either at our meeting or on a weekend.  We have all that donated yarn to still sell, too.  Make it as part of an outreach booth with demonstrations.  Could publicize to knitting guilds, weavers at the MAC, the Textile Month schedule.  Display the mannequins.

9. Library Shelves – Robin is researching the choices.  Maybe “Archive” the older periodicals, in that they aren’t on the shelves, but can be retrieved upon request.  Heddlecraft not on the shelves because it is an e-doc and would have to be printed and bound.  Recommend checking out Minuteman Press; Jerry did it for Ruthie’s and it was not as expensive as thought it would be

10. Big yarn donation and sale thereof at the June meeting.  Pricing strategies were discussed.

11. Workshop Cancellation Policy Changes

  1. Passed unanimously

12. Workshop classroom discussion when Lynne is back.

13. Mannequins – no mannequin manager secured yet.

  1. Paper pattern for the Noh Coat (Lynne’s brilliant idea) for the mannequins for ANWG – Sue and Linda will make one.

14. June Meeting – Strawberry Shortcake cancelled because COVID.  Also yarn sal.

15. Meeting in the gym – need a solution to the terrible wifi.  

16. Maybe the proposed new computer will have a better wifi antenna.  Also, need Pages and Keynote and they can’t be updated any longer with the old computer.

17. Sarah thanks everyone, especially Dan with the 501c3 and picking up all the other jobs, and Robin with the near-death experience with the bookshelves.