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Covid Notice

PHG has resumed in-Person Meetings. We will follow the MAC guidelines. Vaccinations and masking are encouraged but not required. Please take common sense health precautions to protect yourself & avoid exposing others if you feel unwell. Thanks & stay safe!

PHG Meeting Info

NOTICE: Meetings will be held both in-person and on Zoom until further notice. Zoom links are provided in the PHG Calendar where Zoom participation is available.

PHG meets on the second Thursday of every month during September - June at the Multnomah Art Center.

Morning Meetings 10am - noon, 9:30am social
Evening Meetings 7pm - 9pm, 6:30 social

Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings generally follow the same agenda:
* Welcome new members and guests
* Show and Share
* Brief Announcements
* Short Social Time
* Program Presentation

Multnomah Arts Center
7688 Southwest Capitol Highway,
Portland, OR 97219-2489
Phone: (503) 823-2787

PHG Board Meeting 4-27-23

Portland Handweavers Guild Board Meeting
7 PM, April 27, 2023
Online Zoom Meeting

April 27, 2023

  1. Call to Order
    • Roll Call – Lynne, Dan, Robin, Sarah, Tim, Mike, Linda, Sharon, Chris R
    • Determination of Quorum – 6/9.
    • Any changes to the agenda
  2. Minutes from previous meeting
    • Approved unanimously

Old Business/Updates

  1. New Home Search Update and Discussion
    • Ruthie’s update
    • Lynne maintains that the money just isn’t there.
    • Numbers on paper, look at the costs, how would we make that pencil out.  More workshops, raising cost of workshops, offering space to other orgs for meetings.
    • Sharon – the guild should have a vision.  How do we get there?  Lists examples.  What about grants?
    • Linda – there is no way we are moving quickly.  Maybe something could be made feasible in 18 months.  Don’t see any reason to rush it.
    • Dan – we renew with MAC, another 5-year lease; it does have an out.  No rush to find something right away.
    • Ask the members.  Lynne – yes.  This will need a greater volunteer contribution from the members.  Do we have that?  How would we realize this?
    • Put up for a vote at the June meeting.  Will ask for volunteers to serve on a committee.  Budget, numbers, expenses, how could we bring in additional revenue. Are there people who belong to other guilds, to ask if they would be interested in joining in and sharing the space.
  2. Next Year’s Board
    • Linda needs someone to take over program so she can be Director of Education. Reaches out to Sharon.  Could be a team; doesn’t have to be one person.  Dan wants it folded in with workshops, sort of.
    • Lynne, Mike, and Cooki are continuing (Secretary, Treasurer and Outreach)
    • Linda as Education director
    • Sarah – Membership Director
    • Robin and Chris – Member services; transitional
    • Bertha Avery – Organization Liasion, ANWG rep
    • Cindy Fowler – not willing to continue as Sales Director.  However, she’s got one to serve as co-chair.
    • Judilee for fall sale
    • Could Cindy and Judilee split the Sales Director role
    • Sue will hand off WEGO hat, Leigh Wheeler and Denise Wild (?)
    • Don’t need an HGA rep
    • Dan is on the fence for continuing as President.  Preference would be for someone else to take it on.
  3. Old Business/Updates
    1. Suggestion that it be a Member Tea, rather than just New Member Tea.  Perhaps we could meeting in a public library space.  After discussion, we’ll try again next fall, or over  the summer.

New Business

  1. Budget
    • Mike is working on numbers.  Budget review.
    • Might need to review the calculation of the PayPal fees
    • Should the Guild participate in GOTG next year?  OCC upping the rental; will increase cost for all the guilds.  If the number is too high, booths get too expensive, and fewer people want to be vendors.  We should budget to break even.  Potters took 5 of our booths.  No, we offered them.
    • Membership Tea?  Room 7 is more expensive than either the gym or auditorium
    • Billing for newsletter ads?  Going forward.
    • Chris Rossi – the Fiber Awareness Org donation was Weave a Real Peace.
  2. Conference booth setup
    • Linda isn’t doing it.  Has no clue how the setup goes.  Have we reserved a booth or table?  Dan – yes.  Comes with 2 tables.  Ila will be reaching out to all the guilds.  Finding out what they need.  The mannequins and Noh Coats.  Not sure what else goes there.  Janis may know.  Do we have a banner?  Yes.  The plastic one AND the woven one.  There were some names.  Dan will send to Linda.
  3. 2023-24 Theme of the Year
    • Seattle Guild makes scarves for the children’s hospital. NW Wools makes blankets for hospice.  OHSU.  Maybe next year should be a year of giving. Check the VA.  Year of Gratitude, which could involve giving.  Also Shriners Hospital for children.
  4. Programs for 2023-24
    • Linda is out of ideas.  Sharon reached out to Kris Bruland.  A winter virtual meeting.  Kumihimo (Sharon has a name)  Basketry?  (Dan)  Photographing Handwovens
  5. Director Reports (Time permitting)
  6. Next Meeting: Thursday May 25 at 7pm
  7. Adjourn
    • Meeting adjourned 8:29pm