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Covid Notice

PHG has resumed in-Person Meetings. We will follow the MAC guidelines. Vaccinations and masking are encouraged but not required. Please take common sense health precautions to protect yourself & avoid exposing others if you feel unwell. Thanks & stay safe!

PHG Meeting Info

NOTICE: Meetings will be held both in-person and on Zoom until further notice. Zoom links are provided in the PHG Calendar where Zoom participation is available.

PHG meets on the second Thursday of every month during September - June at the Multnomah Art Center.

Morning Meetings 10am - noon, 9:30am social
Evening Meetings 7pm - 9pm, 6:30 social

Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings generally follow the same agenda:
* Welcome new members and guests
* Show and Share
* Brief Announcements
* Short Social Time
* Program Presentation

Multnomah Arts Center
7688 Southwest Capitol Highway,
Portland, OR 97219-2489
Phone: (503) 823-2787

PHG Board Meeting 2-21-2024

Portland Handweavers Board Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting

February 21, 2024

Meeting commenced at 7:02pm

  1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance
    •  Dan Steves, Lynne Fitzsimmons, Sharon Carsten, Tim Prins, Robin Korybski, Linda Edquist, Denise Wild, Sarah McCully-Posner
  3. Determination of Quorum
    • Quorum present

New Business/Discussions

  • Schacht Grant
    1. Offering up to $3000 of Schacht equipment
    2. We could use a Wolf Pup
      1. Easy to transport for demos
      2. Eight shaft model available ($2743)
      3. Robin and Linda will write the grant application; due by March 1
      4. Mike will provide any needed financial statements
    3. Schacht does this every year
  • Study Group and Space Funding Policy discussion
    1. Currently three study groups meeting at Ruthie’s.
    2. Guild received a donation to cover study group costs through this fiscal year
    3. Should a formal policy be created?
    4. Needs to go in the budget
    5. How is it characterized in the budget (education?)
    6. We will publish meeting schedules on the website
    7. Possibly fund space rental for larger groups, because of the difficulty of finding a space for a larger group to meet
    8. Some libraries have rooms that are free to 501c3 groups
    9. Linda suggests that we should fund until the end of the year, budget something for study groups and revisit next year
    10. Sharon suggested funding until the group gets started
    11. Linda noted that this is new this year; we should commit for the rest of the year, and see what the various groups’ needs are
    12. MAC rental rates: Gym $20/hr, Rm 30 $23/hr
    13. Groups have not been funded in the past; would meet in free spaces or private homes
    14. Should we raise dues?  Tabled until next month
    15. What are the guild’s expectations of study groups?
      1. Report back?
      2. Presentation?
    16. Have a signup, like for workshops.
      1. There was one, but it was very easy to miss
    17. Robin suggested that the guild provide $20/mtg though the end of the fiscal year if it is published in the website
    18. Linda will put updates in the newsletter
      1. This presumes the groups provide updates
    19. Let Tim know who is leading the groups
    20. Need policy/guidelines for study group leaders
    21. There is a precedent for Study Group Show and Tell at the annual meeting
    22. We’ll cover some cost; what is the upper limit
    23. Sharon mentioned a Vancouver study group
  • Long Term Planning Update
    1. Everyone on the committee has not yet met with the mentor
    2. Feedback from the mentor via Sharon and Nora
      1. The Board should do the long-range planning
      2. Strategic planning needs to be done by the Board
      3. Perhaps a Board work retreat; dedicated large block of time to do planning
  • Giovanna Imperia missed presentation
    1. She could do a morning Zoom presentation in June
    2. Or July.  Or August
  • Meeting Leaders for March
    1. Pie day
    2. Sarah will help Linda with the morning meeting
    3. Tim will help with the evening meeting
    4. Cindy Hutchison is now helping Nora with the library
  • Helping new members feel more connected
    1. Beginner/re-entry learning events
    2. Robin suggests Inkle Loom Day
    3. A physical space for mentors to new weavers
      1. Free vs cost
      2. Could be a study group – members in the same (experience) place wanting to learn the same thing
      3. Monthly zoom meeting where questions could be answered
      4. Maybe we design a workshop
      5. A monthly zoom meeting with some mentors there
  1. Confirm next meeting
    • March 28 via Zoom
  2. Meeting Adjourned