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Covid Notice

PHG has resumed in-Person Meetings. We will follow the MAC guidelines. Vaccinations and masking are encouraged but not required. Please take common sense health precautions to protect yourself & avoid exposing others if you feel unwell. Thanks & stay safe!

PHG Meeting Info

NOTICE: Meetings will be held both in-person and on Zoom until further notice. Zoom links are provided in the PHG Calendar where Zoom participation is available.

PHG meets on the second Thursday of every month during September - June at the Multnomah Art Center.

Morning Meetings 10am - noon, 9:30am social
Evening Meetings 7pm - 9pm, 6:30 social

Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings generally follow the same agenda:
* Welcome new members and guests
* Show and Share
* Brief Announcements
* Short Social Time
* Program Presentation

Multnomah Arts Center
7688 Southwest Capitol Highway,
Portland, OR 97219-2489
Phone: (503) 823-2787

PHG Board Meeting 12-2-21

Portland Handweavers Guild Board Meeting
7 PM, December 2, 2021
Online Zoom Meeting

December 2, 2021

  1. Call to Order – Meeting started at 7:03pm (approximately)
  2. Roll Call: Lynne Fitzsimmons, Linda Edquist, Robin Korybski, Dan Steves, Maggie Patterson, Sylvia Emard, Sarah McCully-Posner, Jane Wilson, Lynette Peterson
  3. Approval of April Minutes: Unanimous
  4. Individual Topics
    1. Term Limits for Board/Chairs (Sarah, Dan, and Maggie) (relates to the 501c3 conversion process)
      1. Pros for term limits:
        1. Changeup of the board
        2. Fresh new ideas
        3. Relieves the thought that one commits to a job forever
          1. Perhaps the incoming candidate would shadow for a part of the outgoing person’s term
      2. The current bylaws have no term limits.  In general, people are doing a great job; where would the Guild be if they rotated out of the position.  Perhaps some positions are more suited to term limits than others.  The Guild would need to find more volunteers.  Perhaps there could be contingencies, such as extending the term for a year if no candidate is found to take over.  Suggestions to make term limits work would be shadowing the current position, or pathways, as in VP (we don’t have one) to President, or Program Chair to President.  Some people don’t volunteer because they don’t want to commit to fill a position for an undetermined time.
      3. It was noted that the Guild used to have a VP or President-Elect position, but it was never filled.
      4. There are some positions (Sales, Outreach) which do not have term limits, nor does every position need to be term-limited.  There are some jobs where continuity is important, such as Program Chair or Workshop Chair, or other jobs such as Library, Closet, or Rentals.  Robin says she does all that (L, C, R), because she took on parts incrementally, rather than all at once.
      5. Sylvia (Newsletter Editor) notes that she doesn’t have to attend Board meetings.   Should Newsletter Editor be a Board position?
      6. Linda thinks term limits should be restricted to those positions which have a vote.  This also forces the Guild to bring in some number of new Board members each year.
      7. It was mentioned that all positions should document what it is they actually do in service of that position, so prospective candidates would understand what the position entails.
      8. Decision: revisit in January
    2. 501 C3 update (Dan, Maggie)
      1. The questionnaire has been completed, and Rational Unicorn has received copies of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, which have been reviewed and returned.  The input on the Articles of Incorporation was straightforward; the Bylaws will need to be reviewed at the next Board meeting.
      2. We do need a Registered Agent, which is a person or entity who is responsible for being the legal contact for the organization; their address is on file with the state.  It has to be a street address, not a PO Box.  The Registered Agent lets us know when the state sends us stuff; they are the receiver for the information.  If we pay a Registered Agent, they ensure that we file on time.  The cost would be $50-100 a year.
    3. Spring Sale update and volunteers (Jane)
      1. Jane will help, but not attend GOTG (Covid exposure).  She will do the web work and be on the steering committee.  She surveyed 36 artists; 18 said yes.  The no responses were Covid and price.  No one wants to do another online event.  Plans to carry on; she’ll get last year’s budget.  Lost $165 last year; previous year made $1423.  Booth fees will have to go up.  GOTG changes – there will be no general information booth; she recommends the Guild have their own information booth; volunteers would be scheduled to work the booth.  Changes she’d like to make: maximum 2 people per 10×10 booth, but we also offer 10×15 booths.  Maybe a Guild booth.  Jane noted that fees are going up at shows.  She’ll create a work plan.  The tentative dates for GOTG are May 6-8, 2022, and the end of April for 2023.
    4. Guild Equipment Inventory (Robin)
      1. The Guild needs to find space for the equipment formerly stored by Maggie.  Robin doesn’t know what other parts of the Guild have, in terms of equipment, such as, Outreach or Sales.
      2. People expect Robin to know what the Guild has, but she only knows about what is in the closet or what she has been told.  She knows there is equipment out there (sales racks, box with the projector, tools?, banners), but not officially, or where it is.  Jane, Dane, and Robin agreed to meet to begin the inventory for the sales and programs equipment.
    5. Google storage space
      1. The Guild is at 93% of space, using a 15g plan.  Upgrading to a 100g plan will cost $20/yr.
      2. Unanimous decision to upgrade to the 100g storage plan.
  5. Adjourn Meeting – Meeting adjourned at 7:56pm