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Covid Notice

PHG has resumed in-Person Meetings. We will follow the MAC guidelines. Vaccinations and masking are encouraged but not required. Please take common sense health precautions to protect yourself & avoid exposing others if you feel unwell. Thanks & stay safe!

PHG Meeting Info

NOTICE: Meetings will be held both in-person and on Zoom until further notice. Zoom links are provided in the PHG Calendar where Zoom participation is available.

PHG meets on the second Thursday of every month during September - June at the Multnomah Art Center.

Morning Meetings 10am - noon, 9:30am social
Evening Meetings 7pm - 9pm, 6:30 social

Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings generally follow the same agenda:
* Welcome new members and guests
* Show and Share
* Brief Announcements
* Short Social Time
* Program Presentation

Multnomah Arts Center
7688 Southwest Capitol Highway,
Portland, OR 97219-2489
Phone: (503) 823-2787

PHG Board Meeting 10-26-23

Portland Handweavers Guild Board Meeting
7 PM, October 26, 2023
Online Zoom Meeting

October 26, 2023

  1. Greetings
  2. Call to Order – Meeting started at 7:05pm
  3. Roll Call: Dan Steves, Lynne Fitzsimmons, Sarah McCully-Posner, Linda Edquist, Mike Schlieski, Sharon Carsten, Denise Wild, Nora Fairley
    • Determination of Quorum – Quorum present
  4. Approval of Minutes: approved unanimously

Old Business

  • Weftover Sale Report
    1. Gross $1846
    2. Costs
      1. Rent 280
      2. Square charge 32.19
    3. Net $1534
    4. Less stuff in the closet.  Still some looms and a spinning wheel for sale (Sue W wants if back if it doesn’t sell)
    5. Some fiber sold to a spinners group
    6. Discussion about holding another sale in conjunction with the Fall Sale.  Robin didn’t think there was enough stuff; revisit in the spring
  • New Member Tea
    1. Lots of new members attended.
    2. Volunteer recruiting happened
    3. Maybe update our literature to say what weaving resources are available in Portland.
  • Conflict of Interest Policy
    1. Sent to everyone
  • Bylaws Update
    1. Wanting to add a Director for Development Director.  The job description has been reviewed and approved, but it needs to be added to the Bylaws to make it a Board position
    2. The Amendment: .4.9. Development Director. The Development Director chairs the committees responsible for handling donations to the guild, and develops and implements goals and plans for fundraising for the guild.
    3. Motion made and seconded
    4. Approved unanimously
  • Long Range Planning Committee
    1. Still haven’t met; need input from membership on when to meet.  Lunch after a monthly meeting?  Guild provides snacks?  Zoom?
    2. Sharon is looking for a mentor on this.  She plans to reach out to the one she likes.
    3. Long discussion on how to collect input and analyze it for themes
    4. Also should do a self-assessment of the current state of the guild

New Business

  1. Spring Sale Policy
    1. There was an initial meeting of folks interested in taking on various roles.
    2. Current policy does not allow vendors to demonstrate in their booths; the feeling is that it might conflict with the on-sale-floor larger demonstrations.  Discussion on changing the policy to allow in-booth demonstrations.
    3. Motion made and seconded to allow in-booth demonstrations
      1. Passed unanimously 
    4. Guild Booth.  Maybe it should be a multi-Guild booth.  The Guild Booth happens sporadically; depends on available space.  Guild members sell their items in the both, historically a maximum of 20 items.
    5. Participation in the sale by other weaving guilds, with them having a single guild booth to sell items.
      1. Discussion included insurance, membership, liability and last year we didn’t sell out all our allotted booths.
      2. Our guild members would get priority
      3. They could carry their own liability insurance
      4. Does GOTG insurance cover them
      5. Perhaps a reciprocity agreement where we could sell at their event?
      6. The Board is supportive of the idea.  There would have to be another membership classification, like a guild, so they could have a guild booth
      7. We’ll review the whole policy next month
    6. Chris Rossi resignation from Member Services Role
      1. Had to step down. Robin is acting, but need another person to do member services.  Someone was going to talk to Robin from the new member tea.
    7. Guild Financial Reporting
      1. There hasn’t been a Treasurer’s report publicized in awhile.
      2. Others noted that other organizations don’t publish unless there was a budget excursion
      3. Sharon would prefer more frequent and visible financial reporting.
    8. Brief meeting space discussion
    9. Next meeting
      1. Thursday November 16, via Zoom
    10. Meeting Adjourned 8:35pm