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Covid Notice

PHG has resumed in-Person Meetings. We will follow the MAC guidelines. Vaccinations and masking are encouraged but not required. Please take common sense health precautions to protect yourself & avoid exposing others if you feel unwell. Thanks & stay safe!

PHG Meeting Info

NOTICE: Meetings will be held both in-person and on Zoom until further notice. Zoom links are provided in the PHG Calendar where Zoom participation is available.

PHG meets on the second Thursday of every month during September - June at the Multnomah Art Center.

Morning Meetings 10am - noon, 9:30am social
Evening Meetings 7pm - 9pm, 6:30 social

Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings generally follow the same agenda:
* Welcome new members and guests
* Show and Share
* Brief Announcements
* Short Social Time
* Program Presentation

Multnomah Arts Center
7688 Southwest Capitol Highway,
Portland, OR 97219-2489
Phone: (503) 823-2787

PHG Board Meeting 10-25-18

PHG Board Meeting
7 PM, October 25, 2018
Room 4, Multnomah Art Center

  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 19:08 at the Multnomah Arts Center
    1. Roll Call: Janis Johnson, Amy Belgan, Robin Korybski, Sue Walsh, Dan Steves, Megan Rothstein, Barbara McGaa, Ladella Williams, Sylvia Emard, and guest and new member Linda Edquist
    2. Determination of Quorum
    3. Any changes to the agenda
  2. Minutes from previous board meeting: We will send around the minutes from August and September again to confirm final approval before the November meeting. 
  3. Old Business
    1. New Member Tea Report and General State of Membership – About 20 people attended the new member tea. New members had various program ideas and other input. The guild may host another new member event in the spring to allow new members who didn’t attend in the fall to attend as well as new members we gain in between now and the spring. Barbara and Dan will go over the membership list from last year and see who hasn’t renewed since there is a big difference (decline) between the number of members over a two year period. A brief discussion ensued about the possible causes of this disparity in membership. 
    2. Fall Sale – No news is good news so everything seems to be under control. 
  4. New Business
    1. New Website: We took a group tour of the new website. Amy showed some different views of how the membership dues page could look. Also discussed looking into the costs of adding credit card processing to the website. Discussed having examples of past programs on the event calendar and possibly adding other fiber arts related meetings and fiber related events. Also discussed things which could be added to the resource page such as businesses with loom repair and talking with specific businesses if they want to be listed. Also, include Eugene and Salem resources and do research on all the yarn shops in town. Suggested adding ANWG, WEGO and HGA to resources. Additional suggestions included changing the hearts on the website around sponsors to something weaving related and feedback on the location of the membership form on the “join” page so it is clear members can send in a form with a check if they join. Discussed strategies to ensure the member form is filled out either online or on paper. This led to a discussion of when people should be notified they will no longer be getting the newsletter since they have not paid their dues. Currently the membership list is checked in January and people who have not renewed in a long time are taken off the e-mail list to receive newsletters. A suggestion for a new way to handle this process is one e-mail after they don’t pay their dues notifying them as such with the newsletter and then a second e-mail afterwards without the newsletter telling them they won’t be receiving the newsletter anymore because they haven’t paid. There was a motion to approve the new website by Sue, seconded by Janis. Vote: all yays no nays. 
    2. PHG Grant: The grant was paused for lack of interest after the last reviewer of proposals suggested canceling the grant. Discussed changing the title to “money for special projects” or something similar to make it sound less academic. At the next meeting a proposal will be presented for how to revive the grant. 
    3. PHG Membership Form: Barbara discussed the membership form and how she needs access to the check number and date in order to keep track of which fiscal year people are paying for. Also stated she doesn’t want the paper form to go away and will work on editing the form once she gets a copy to edit. The group discussed creating a new member guide instead of the long welcome letter we currently have. Basically should there be an easier way to automate the introduction to the guild for new members.
    4. Workshop Policy Update: Trying to update this policy based on experiences of the last one and a half years. What is the guild’s policy when participants are late and disruptive or not prepared to participate. The guild is already doing deposits for this year, but for next year the guild will ask participants to pay in full up front. There will no longer be coffee and other snacks provided but this doesn’t seem to be a concern for participants. Also discussed there being a 25 dollar non-members fee, but with the provision that the 25 dollars can be applied to membership. 
    5. Programs Update: Programs are on target thru the end of the programming year. There have been no mini-workshop signups for December so a suggestion was doing the design game. Guatemalan weaving can be sold at the December program. January’s presentation will be about Timberline, February or March could be weaving ergonomics, the Damascus show and tell is moved to May. Need to start working on programming for next year, suggestions include the history of Ruthie’s. 
  5. Director Reports: Janis shared Diane Mckinnon will be the spring sale co-chair. Ladella shared ANWG is starting to update the website for the next conference in 2019. Sue shared WEGO will meet the same weekend (the third weekend in October and April) and there will be no more moving around of the date. The next meeting will be in Klamath Falls. 
  6. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be in Room 7 on 11/29 at 7pm due to the Thanksgiving holiday 
  7. Meeting adjourned at 20:30