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Covid Notice

PHG has resumed in-Person Meetings. We will follow the MAC guidelines. Vaccinations and masking are encouraged but not required. Please take common sense health precautions to protect yourself & avoid exposing others if you feel unwell. Thanks & stay safe!

PHG Meeting Info

NOTICE: Meetings will be held both in-person and on Zoom until further notice. Zoom links are provided in the PHG Calendar where Zoom participation is available.

PHG meets on the second Thursday of every month during September - June at the Multnomah Art Center.

Morning Meetings 10am - noon, 9:30am social
Evening Meetings 7pm - 9pm, 6:30 social

Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings generally follow the same agenda:
* Welcome new members and guests
* Show and Share
* Brief Announcements
* Short Social Time
* Program Presentation

Multnomah Arts Center
7688 Southwest Capitol Highway,
Portland, OR 97219-2489
Phone: (503) 823-2787

PHG Board Meeting 10-28-21

Portland Handweavers Guild Board Meeting
7 PM, October 28, 2021
Online Zoom Meeting

October 28, 2021

  1. Call to Order – Meeting started at 7:00pm (approximately)
    1. Roll Call: Lynne Fitzsimmons, Sue Walsh, Linda Edquist, Robin Korybski, Dan Steves, Maggie Patterson, Sylvia Emard, Sarah McCully-Posner, Jane Wilson
  2. Approval of April Minutes: Unanimous
  3. Individual Topics
    1. Dan / Maggie: 501 C3 update: Met w/Elena Howard of Rational Unicorn and reviewed our plans/approach.  She adjusted the plan; don’t need to create a new entity; can keep and update the existing entity and articles of incorporation.  We need to file the IRS paperwork.  There is no need to move assets and dissolve old entity.  We don’t qualify for the EZ IRS form.
      1. Review the bylaws and articles of incorporation get board and member approval
      2. File
      3. It will cost $2k to get this done; includes filing fees. (“Seems really reasonable”)
      4. It is a requirement for a 501c3 to spell out what happens with the stuff when the organization dissolves.  We have to roll stuff over to another 501c3.  For us, ANWG or WEGO is the logical choice, but we wouldn’t need to call out a specific organization.  

        Linda offered to help review.  But we’ll all get to do it.
        Maggie – Lynette has to provide financial information
        Motion to proceed with changing to a 501c3 – approved
        Maggie – we need a membership vote to proceed on becoming 501c3
        Timeframe – needs to happen before the June 2022 meeting.
        Maggie – IRS is really behind.
        There will be a heads up article in the next newsletter laying out the pros and cons before the membership vote.
    2. Jane: GOTG/Spring Sale update and volunteers: Jane sent an appeal for volunteers to folks from the last event – was publicity done by Jude? She will work with Jessica B.  Help is needed with distribution of flyers, postcards and posters.  Each artist had to work 3 hours, sign them up, check them in.  PHG is also responsible for demonstrations in the lobby; Jane has no expertise in this.  Could outreach help with this?  Demonstrators, prepare the guild loom, transport the equipment.  Also in charge of demonstrations w/outside fiber arts groups, coordinate w/John Beard.  Last time – bead group, basketweavers group.  Wood group.  We need someone to take this on this year.  Will be something in the newsletter.  Booth prices will not be set until after next GOTG meeting. There were charges for renting the booth, drapes, table.  Cheaper now to buy the table!
      Maggie is stepping away from Outreach, yes, interested, but it would be the next director.  Linda offers to recruit and coordinate volunteers (hours the artists need to volunteer).  Jessica can help w/onsite demos.  Jane will clarify all the volunteer coordinator positions.
    3. Linda: Theme of the Year: Linda proposes Stash Management.  Besides fiber, this includes equipment inventory.  Ways to manage stash include swaps and weftover sales.  Laura Fry will be presenting on this in December.
    4. Sarah: Movie Rental update: MAC auditorium rental, $242.50 includes equipment  March 17 2022 6-9pm  Don’t know if Marilyn is coming with it.  Have to get the movie from Marilyn.  She is willing to come down.  John Beard expressed interest in being available for the screening. Other MAC rentals – Dec will be online.  January, maybe.
    5. Hellenic-America Cultural Center & Museum donation request: This was a donation solicitation.  (that’s where the Greek Orthodox Church is, and Greek Festival).  Not sending money at this time.
    6. Organizational Liaison (Sue) stepping down.
    7. MAC rental update: Meeting date for Nov/Dec (our time frame would land us on Thanksgiving/Xmas so we will discuss other options)
    8. Other Topics
      1. WEGO Traveling show – a guild has withdrawn.  PHG was first March-May 2023.  We would be responsible for venue, setup take down, shipping to next venue.  The backup location is Lincoln City cultural center.  Sue recommends we pass this time.  Less than 18 months to prepare and score a venue.  Last time there was a reception and invitations.  Needed to get volunteers.  Transportation had vehicle requirements.  
        Linda recommends passing to Lincoln City, as does Sarah.  Unanimous
      2. Solicitation for guild booths for 2023 ANWG conference.  Space will be limited at the bend location, get request in soonest if we want a booth.  Also sponsoring a prize, but that is just cutting a check.  Don’t know if Chris is coordinating the mannequins. Who secures booth?  Organizational Liaison?  Robin thinks we should be doing a booth.  Sarah will talk w/Sue.  Linda will help but has no idea what is involved.  What about Outreach – they are winding down.  Dan can fill out the booth request if we want to do that.  Need to identify someone who is the ANWG/WEGO contact.
      3. Sue will stay WEGO contact but will step away from the other stuff; get someone to shadow her. There will be something in the newsletter.
      4. Social Media
      5. The Board google group is not current, and it is administered by Chris Rossi.
        Our website forums have been discontinued; we use the PHG Google group now for member chat and social.  There is also a facebook page.
        Instructions in the New Member Guide (MembersOnly->The Stash->NewMembersGuide)
        Posting the newsletter on our various social outlets – google group, fb, Instagram
        Sarah will speak with Chris Rossi about the PHG Board group.
      6. Next board meeting – 1st week December maybe?  Make a decision by ?  Plan on 1st Thursday in Dec.  Dec 2.
  4. Adjourn Meeting: 8:14pm