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Covid Notice

PHG has resumed in-Person Meetings. We will follow the MAC guidelines. Vaccinations and masking are encouraged but not required. Please take common sense health precautions to protect yourself & avoid exposing others if you feel unwell. Thanks & stay safe!

PHG Meeting Info

NOTICE: Meetings will be held both in-person and on Zoom until further notice. Zoom links are provided in the PHG Calendar where Zoom participation is available.

PHG meets on the second Thursday of every month during September - June at the Multnomah Art Center.

Morning Meetings 10am - noon, 9:30am social
Evening Meetings 7pm - 9pm, 6:30 social

Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings generally follow the same agenda:
* Welcome new members and guests
* Show and Share
* Brief Announcements
* Short Social Time
* Program Presentation

Multnomah Arts Center
7688 Southwest Capitol Highway,
Portland, OR 97219-2489
Phone: (503) 823-2787

PHG Board Meeting 08-23-18

PHG Board Meeting
7 PM, August 23, 2018
Room 4, Multnomah Arts Center

  1. Call to Order 7:05 PM
    1. Roll Call: Amy Belgan, Megan Rothstein, Ladella Williams, Sylvia Emard, Pat Zimmerman, Robin Korybski, Janis Johnson, Barbara McGaa, Sue Walsh, Dan Steves
    2. Determination of Quorum
    3. Any changes to the agenda
  2. Introductions: The meeting began with introductions of all present at the meeting
  3. Approval of leadership appointments – Reviewed the lists of who is in charge of what tasks and clarified who reports to whom (for example Judilee reporting to Janis, who is in charge of sales overall, but Judilee is in charge of the fall sale itself). The guild needs someone to volunteer for program scheduling especially since nothing has been scheduled for the next year. Discussed the possibility of revisiting the way the tasks are broken up, i.e. someone does workshops for the year and then someone does the programming for the meeting instead of one person being in charge of both. However, Jane Read will be doing workshops for next year. “Weave a real peace” might just be funded out of the general budget, unless there is someone who is interested in running the raffle which has been the source of funding for “weave a real peace.” Robin will attempt to find someone who is interested in doing the raffle. Discussion over whether the guild should have refreshments or not – some people want it and some people say it is a hassle. So in the end if there is someone who is interested in doing it then we can have it and if not then no refreshments for future meetings.  Also looking for a director for outreach and education. Brief discussion from Dan about how the goals are of the organization over the coming months will be reviewed. Also there will be a review of the bylaws since there are some pretty lengthy documents that explain job descriptions. There was a motion to approve by Janis, seconded by Sue. Vote: all yays no nays. 
  4. Budget update from Pat – Year ending on June 30th 2017, 3,260 dollars to the positive at the end of the year. 1,300 was the bill for the rooms for meetings. It is a little early to know if we will have the income for it, but perhaps there will be 500 for grants/awards. Also 300 for laptop if needed. 
    Some updates about the banner project which should be completed in the next couple months, with a report to come in October. Discussion over the many people filled out a card saying they would like to learn to weave so what is the next step to take with these people. Waiting for an update from the project about the use of budget. 
  5. State Fair – The rigid heddle banner project demonstration led by Debbie Ellis was scheduled for Monday, August 27, and that other PHG members were scheduled to demonstrate other types of weaving through the duration of the fair. Also, PHG was expected to have greater representation in the fiber arts division this year.
  6. OFFF – Some confusion between PHG and OFFF about educational exhibit, but PHG won’t be offering any money for awards this year due to confusion/communication issue. The theme of this year is felting. Request in newsletter for items which have been woven and felted, or just felted. Ladella needs someone to help her setup for OFFF.  
  7. Scheduling New Member Tea Date – Time and date was determined to be October 14th at Dan’s place from 1400 to 1700. Janis will help with making invitations. Usually new members and folks from the board attend and usually board members bring snacks. Amy will also put it on the website. There are 12 new members, but also anyone counts as new who joined since the last tea so those folks could attend also.
  8. Gathering of the Guilds 501c3 status – In the past money has gone thru the treasurer of the guild who is chairing the gathering of the guilds. So this has hindered people from stepping up since individual guilds must take on this responsibilities since the treasurer is the biggest job for the gathering of the guilds.  Some people think it can be a 501c3 (since oregon potters assoc is) but PHG would need to get in some money earlier than we usually do, since in the past the woodworkers and other guilds have put up the money early. Otherwise the process of participating in the Gathering of the Guilds would operate pretty much the same. Gathering of the Guilds paid a graphic designer and someone to negotiate advertising, but usually there aren’t paid positions. The benefit of the 501c3 is individuals can step forward to chair it without putting their guild at financial responsibility. Approval is needed from PHG for gathering of the guilds to be able to go forward with the plan. There was a motion to approve by Pat, seconded by Amy. Vote: all yays no nays.
  9. Sales Policy Update – Janis and Judilee worked on writing up this document clarifying entry standards, added jurying, change in booth fees etc. The document is now updated to what has actually been happening for the past three years. Made policies for the fall sale which didn’t have policies previously. If anything needs to be changed by the sales committees they would come up with what they want to change to the written document and bring it to the board for approval. There was discussion about whether the grandfathering clause should be added to the spring sale in the written document, but finally the discussion determined everyone needs to be juried in. The goal of the show is showing a diverse amount of work, price points etc. and there is a statement of the goals of the sale currently written up. There was a motion to approve by Pat, seconded by Barbara. Vote: all yays no nays. 
  10. Workshop proposal – Needed another beginner or advanced beginner workshop scheduled. One possibility is a three day rigid heddle sometime in april (tentative date april 11th do the meeting then workshop is Friday, Saturday and Sunday). Deborah Jarkow would teach the class and it can customized for the guild. It would be 600 dollars a day plus expenses and the teacher can stay in Dan’s ADU. Jane, the workshop chair, will be advised of this suggestion. The budget would be 2500ish for the workshop. Sue will check with the Mill End Store to see if space is available. Also a discussion of how to get more learning opportunities for the folks excited about learning to weave. Perhaps a drop in weaving day. It will be discussed with Debbie, who does the banner project, to see if she has some money to put towards it. 
  11. Workshop pricing – In the past there has been a non member surcharge but it is not a very high fee. Something like 10 dollars.
  12. Paypal pricing policy  – The guild should be allowed to let people pay workshop deposits on paypal after adding a little padding to do the paypal price. But everyone would still also be allowed to pay by check.
  13. The next meeting will be September 27th at 1900
  14. Dan Steves will run the day and evening meetings.  The evening meeting will be in Room 7 in September, January, February and May. The remainder of the meeting will be in auditorium. Day meetings in room 7. However, things could change due to seismic upgrades being done on the building. The location of the library will depend on where the meeting is being held that month. 
  15. Pat will check on the dell computer and then give it to free geek.
  16. Dianne Mckinnon will be in charge of the retreat.
  17. Meeting adjourned at 20:35