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Covid Notice

PHG has resumed in-Person Meetings. We will follow the MAC guidelines. Vaccinations and masking are encouraged but not required. Please take common sense health precautions to protect yourself & avoid exposing others if you feel unwell. Thanks & stay safe!

PHG Meeting Info

NOTICE: Meetings will be held both in-person and on Zoom until further notice. Zoom links are provided in the PHG Calendar where Zoom participation is available.

PHG meets on the second Thursday of every month during September - June at the Multnomah Art Center.

Morning Meetings 10am - noon, 9:30am social
Evening Meetings 7pm - 9pm, 6:30 social

Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings generally follow the same agenda:
* Welcome new members and guests
* Show and Share
* Brief Announcements
* Short Social Time
* Program Presentation

Multnomah Arts Center
7688 Southwest Capitol Highway,
Portland, OR 97219-2489
Phone: (503) 823-2787

PHG Board Meeting 04-25-19

PHG Board Meeting
7 PM, April 25, 2019
Room 4, Multnomah Art Center

  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 19:05 at the Multnomah Arts Center
    1. Roll Call: Dan Steves, Ladella Williams, Sylvia Emard, Pat Zimmerman, Robin Korybski,  Barbara McGaa, Sue Walsh, Linda Edquist
    2. Determination of Quorum
    3. Any changes to the agenda
  2. Minutes from previous board meeting: There was not a board meeting in March.
  3. Correspondence: IRS sent a letter that 2018 forms were not filed. Pat informed that they have been sent in but were late.
  4. Old Business – None
  5. New Business
    1. By-laws: Dan provided printed copies of old and proposed by-laws. Dan had a couple of questions regarding the update of the bylaws:
      1: Should the Community Involvement Director and the Organization Liason Director be separate positions or a single position? Sue, currently WEGO representative, expressed that it would be a lot of work for one person based on her experience. It was decided to keep them separate.
      2: Do we want to keep the At-large Director that was discussed during by-law meeting? The At-large director keeps the board at an odd number which avoids tie votes.
      We discussed the 10 year lifetime membership requirement. Do they need to be continuous? It was decided that they would need to have been accrued within the last 15 years to show a recent commitment to PHG rather than coming back after a long absence.
      Dan will make last changes to by-laws and post them on the website for adoption by the guild at June business meeting.
    2. Workshop policy: After discussion, the workshop policy will be updated to not allow guests, visitors or auditors. Only those workshop leader and those who are enrolled in the workshop may attend.
    3. Special Projects: Maggie, through Sue, relayed the winners of the grant awards, Megan for a sample book and the rigid heddle study group. Megan asked for a small amount and it is believed that she will need more funds than asked for to make the sample book for the library. Her initial request was $125. It was approved to increase her funding to $225 to publish the sample books. Also the rigid heddle group will receive $320.
    4. OFFF awards: Ladella said that in past years, PHG has given $50 for two $25 awards, Best of Choice and Best of Handwoven. We approved offering them for the September 2019 festival. The funding will be part of next years budget. Ladella will inform OFFF.
    5. Sponsorship request: In the past, businesses have advertised in the printed roster. As the roster is no longer being printed, there has been a request to advertise on the website. After discussion, it was determined to offer a spot on the front page of site for $120/yr. The business would provide an ad that would fit within the space linking to their business. Barbara, as member chair, offered to oversee this.
    6. Budget: Pat went over the current budget to date. She will have a basic outline for next year at the next meeting. As part of the discussion, renewals and keeping track of which year they apply to was discussed. Dan is  to add a drop-down/button to the on-line renewal to indicate which calendar year the payment is for to facilitate the budget process.
    7. WEGO: Sue recapped the recent WEGO meeting. They are also updating their by-laws. They are working on changing their status to a 501c(3) from the current 501c(6). The education director has tapped PHG’s Peg Silloway to offer statewide rigid heddle weaving workshops. WEGO discussed guild reps being funded for travel. Some guild reps travel quite far. They suggested if guilds are interested using the IRS business rate. Sue is not asking for reimbursement just suggesting we keep in mind for future. The next WEGO meeting is in Astoria. Portland will hold it in spring 2021 after swapping with Salem.
    8. GOTG: Janis emailed a request for $200 for consultation for setting up the GOTG as its own organization. Pat was uncomfortable putting up the money. There have been a number of false starts in the process. She also mentioned an organization in Portland that facilitates setting up 501c(3)’s and that it shouldn’t be difficult or expensive.
      Pat made a motion; Sue seconded; that Dan would be authorized to release the funds for organizational costs of GOTG’s 501c(3) after a formal proposal has been submitted and that the other guilds involved have also committed to cover to set-up costs. Motion passed.
    9. Rental Equipment: The closet is full and something has to go. Ladella is to make a list of the equipment and how often each piece is being checked out. From the list, some pieces may be removed from the inventory and possibly offered during the June meeting. Repairs of equipment will be postponed until after inventory reduction. Ladella has a kniddy knoddy to offer as a door prize for the June meeting.
  6. Director Reports (Time Permitting)
    1. December meeting topic: A film, Threads & Lives, may be presented for the December meeting. There was a discussion of equipment coordination; will we need to look at another facility for the presentation. Also whether we would just have one meeting if so and which one. It was decided to go with whichever was cheaper.
    2. Banner Project: The banner project will be installed on May 11 at the Habitat for Humanity house.
  7. New Meeting: Next meeting will be May 23.
  8. Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 8:30.

Minutes taken by Robin Korybski