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Covid Notice

PHG has resumed in-Person Meetings. We will follow the MAC guidelines. Vaccinations and masking are encouraged but not required. Please take common sense health precautions to protect yourself & avoid exposing others if you feel unwell. Thanks & stay safe!

PHG Meeting Info

NOTICE: Meetings will be held both in-person and on Zoom until further notice. Zoom links are provided in the PHG Calendar where Zoom participation is available.

PHG meets on the second Thursday of every month during September - June at the Multnomah Art Center.

Morning Meetings 10am - noon, 9:30am social
Evening Meetings 7pm - 9pm, 6:30 social

Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings generally follow the same agenda:
* Welcome new members and guests
* Show and Share
* Brief Announcements
* Short Social Time
* Program Presentation

Multnomah Arts Center
7688 Southwest Capitol Highway,
Portland, OR 97219-2489
Phone: (503) 823-2787

PHG Board Meeting 04-23-20

Portland Handweavers Guild Board Meeting
7 PM, April 23, 2020
Online Zoom Meeting

  1. Call to Order
    1. Roll Call: Dan Steves, Sylvia, Robin, Janis Johnson, Amy Belgan, Maggie Patterson, Sue Walsh, Linda Edquist, Barbara McGaa, Lynne Fitzsimmons, Laura Thode
    2. Determination of Quorum
    3. Any changes to the agenda
  2. Minutes from previous board meeting – approved
  3. Correspondence – none
  4. Old Business
    1. Grants and scholarships – cancel for this year?  Try again in fall??None received yet. Will send reminder in the next newsletter and review/decide at the May meeting.
    2. 501(c)(3) application – committee creation
  5. New Business
    1. Budget: Pat had a conflict; details later.
      Maggie relayed a message from Cooki that they would like to request funds to purchase looms to use for outreach. She will price things and submit them to Pat.
    2. Officer slate for next year: A number of people would like to step down; we need to find people who are interested. Possibly consider holding the June meeting in August, as Portland Parks is likely to still be closed in June.
    3. Review and adjust cancellation policy if needed: The policy clearly addresses student cancellations. Cancellation due to circumstances beyond control (such as weather or a pandemic) is addressed in the contract with the instructor. It does not explicitly address refund policies in the event that the Guild has to cancel for some reason. Proposed: refund fees minus material fee for anything already ordered; Guild will absorb other non-recoverable expenses.
    4. ANWG Conference Update: Sue—some dates have slipped, but everything is proceeding. Weaving lanyards will not be able to happen as a group; Sue will provide kits to those who would like to weave at home. She will send out information about the Guild booth; we need to starting thinking about what we want to do. In the past, we have had a committee. The theme is fiber connections.
    5. WeGO Update: Sue—last week’s meeting was cancelled since Willamette University in Salem is closed. Locations are going to be in the same order, but offset one date into the future; Portland is thus currently scheduled for Fall 2021. Rescheduling of workshops and shows is underway. Janis—brought up the idea we’d had to bring back the mannequins and make new outfits, and have small weavings reminiscent of landscapes around the perimeter.
    6. 75th Anniversary of the Guild: We will not be having a show at the Multnomah Arts Center. We had thought of doing something for Portland Textile Month in October. There may not be a State Fair this year. Oregon Flock and Fiber may be a possibility; they will decide in early August if that will happen. We had discussed displaying the mannequins in the Portland Airport. We will put out a call for Artists in the Newsletter.
    7. Expanding Zoom meeting access: Dan—share Guild account for study groups, sale committees, etc. Discussed how to share the Zoom link and password.
    8. Sharing of Library Digital Resources: Robin—consider investigating how to share digital resources while we are closed. 
    9. Gathering of the Guilds: Janis—the Guilds expressed interest in reserving one exhibit hall in October, but have not yet heard back from the Convention Center.
  6. Director Reports (Time permitting)
  7. Set May meeting: May 28. Will also be by Zoom. Linda proposed sending the link the day before, and that we could consider doing presentations by Powerpoint. If show-and-tell participants sent images ahead of time, the moderator could share. Investigate if Deborah Jarchow would be interested in doing her presentation remotely.
  8. Adjourn