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Covid Notice

PHG has resumed in-Person Meetings. We will follow the MAC guidelines. Vaccinations and masking are encouraged but not required. Please take common sense health precautions to protect yourself & avoid exposing others if you feel unwell. Thanks & stay safe!

PHG Meeting Info

NOTICE: Meetings will be held both in-person and on Zoom until further notice. Zoom links are provided in the PHG Calendar where Zoom participation is available.

PHG meets on the second Thursday of every month during September - June at the Multnomah Art Center.

Morning Meetings 10am - noon, 9:30am social
Evening Meetings 7pm - 9pm, 6:30 social

Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings generally follow the same agenda:
* Welcome new members and guests
* Show and Share
* Brief Announcements
* Short Social Time
* Program Presentation

Multnomah Arts Center
7688 Southwest Capitol Highway,
Portland, OR 97219-2489
Phone: (503) 823-2787

PHG Board Meeting 02-28-19

PHG Board Meeting
7 PM, February 28, 2019
Room 4, Multnomah Art Center

  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 19:03 at the Multnomah Arts Center
    1. Roll Call: Sue Walsh, Janis Johnson, Robin Korybski, Megan Rothstein, Sylvia Emard, Ladella Williams, Dan Steves, Margaret Patterson, Amy Belgan, Barbara McGaa and Sylvia Emard.
    2. Determination of Quorum
    3. Any changes to the agenda
  2. Minutes from previous board meeting: Motion to approve minutes from November and January. Passed with all in favor and minor changes correcting some typos.
  3. Correspondence: None
  4. Old Business
    1. ANWG Award Request for Prince George Conference: Does the board want to reconsider our last decision to not sponsor an award based on the most recent details we received from ANWG? Also discussed a larger question about how the board wants to handle these kinds of requests in the future, i.e. what is our policy on vetting and reviewing requests for sponsoring awards with money or other donations to events. Some criteria might include if we have sponsored awards in the past or if they meet certain unspecific criteria. Ladella spoke to the fact many recipients have really appreciated receiving PHG sponsored award and then PHG has some images to feature in our newsletter. Sue suggested giving ANWG 100 dollars Canadian (75.98 U.S. dollars as of 2/28). Janis suggested giving them the money and letting them choose something which isn’t sponsored on their list of categories. Discussion ensued about how to ensure the money is distributed appropriately and also make sure PHG gets credit for sponsoring the award. Robin suggested sponsoring the recycled yarns category since PHG won an award pertaining to that category twice at the last ANWG. Sue suggested asking ANWG to provide an explanation of why we are sponsoring that category. Something along the lines of, “as the previous recipient of the re-used/re-cycle award in 2017 PHG is sponsoring this award for the 2019 conference” or similar. Sue motioned, Janis seconded, All in favor for sponsoring an award for ANWG.
  5. New Business
    1. E-mail Newsletters: Amy asked Sylvia if it would be possible to have a subscription e-mail for any upcoming events we are having on a list that wasn’t necessarily for members. Sylvia says there is a member list and there is also an e-mail list for people who want info about the sales. Amy is asking if we can add a link online that asks people if they want to get e-mail about upcoming sales, events, etc. Discussion about Mailchimp plug ins that we could use on the webpage that would update the Mailchimp list for potential subscribers to make this process easier. This plug in is possible but isn’t happening right now so Amy will look into it. This would help automate and manage the member list and other e-mail lists which might benefit the guild to run. Per Dan maybe if we cut down the amount of cycles it takes to update the list and it would make it easier to manage multiple lists for people who are non-members and might be interested in news about the guild. 
    2. WEGO Membership: Per Sue the total number of members for PHG is 158 members. This includes paying members not life time members and is current to the end of December. We have had more members join since then but we only need to pay based on our membership at the end of December. The cost of our WEGO membership is .50 cents a member. Sue is going to a WEGO meeting in April and could bring the check then, but the WEGO person would prefer it earlier. Dan will email Pat to get a check for 79 dollars for Sue to mail in to WEGO. 
    3. Workshops: Per Sue, a tapestry workshop is added for May but they are still looking for a venue. This will need to be determined soon to get out info about the event since it is coming up soon. A couple inquires about the fall workshops but the website isn’t set up to take payments on these workshops yet. Sue suggested publishing the new workshop policy so folks will know they need to pay in full to register. Sylvia will make a special mailing and Amy can put the policy on the website. Dan will create the payment options for the workshops coming up next year. After it is e-mailed out and put online then the payments can go live for fall workshops. There will be a Judilee Fitzhugh study group on sewing with handwovens starting soon. Sue is looking to use PHG’s MAC discount if the study group happens. The group will have 8 people max in it. Weaving boot camp will hopefully be happening sometime in the fall. Per Maggie there is the potential to get a large pot of money from Ruth Dabritz to get the bootcamp started. Ruth would like a proposal written up and then presented to her. Ruth will make changes and add some suggestions. Sue is thinking if we have something written up then a class could even take place over the summer and also in the fall during Portland textile month. Sue will start the proposal, Janis will help with the proposal and Pat is also interested so Sue will check with her to see if she can participate. Discussion ensued about some of the general logistics of trying to organize the class, find space, find looms and find teachers. This class would be covering the whole process of design, warping etc. but would be done over the course of a weekend. Potentially this could be a quarterly class and the class will concentrate on floor looms and not table looms. One option is also to charge a fee for the class that also gives participants a membership to the guild but is still affordable in terms of class fees.
    4. Movie from the Seattle Guild: The movie is about 8-9 different weavers and their experiences weaving etc. Dan will forward the trailer e-mail to everyone on the board. Discussion about whether the movie is something we are interested in screening or doing a public event for. Possibly an event that would go well with the Portland textile month. Discussion will continue after more board members view the trailer and get more info. 
    5. HGA Donation: HGA requested a donation for their 50th birthday. This is something that could be paid out of the budget next fiscal year. This donation will be included in the budget discussion (Dan will make a note) later on. 
    6. HGA Small Expressions Art Exhibit: This exhibit is going on the road and HGA is looking for guilds willing to partner with them to host the exhibit in their area. We would need to find a venue to host it. Discussion ensued, but there wasn’t really a space in Portland that came to mind. Folks on the board will look around Washington, Hillsboro, Forest Grove etc. and see if there is a good space to host the exhibit. 
  6. Director Reports (Time Permitting)
    1. New Member Tea: Folks that couldn’t make it to the fall tea and the 10-12 newer members that joined since the fall tea will be able to attend. Dan has the invites ready to go out. Most of the board members showed interest in attending. It will take place March 24thSunday at 1pm. Janis will have a place set up to make greeting cards at the retreat so that we will have cards to set aside for the next time the guild needs scraps for cards to send out for the tea and other events. 
    2. Janis on GOTG Sale: Booth fees are due tomorrow. The justice center window exhibit will be setup on Sunday. Questions about what the budget is for advertising for sales since some advertising from the fall sale was declined to be reimbursed by the treasurer. Dan will get receipts from the fall sale and at the next board meeting we can discuss how they will be reimbursed. It also would be helpful to have a final accounting of the fall sale, what were the expenses and what was the amount of money taken in. For the spring sale some money will be spent on postage etc for advertising which Janis would want reimbursed before the sale. Almost everything advertising wise goes through the GOTG so we just get advised of what out contribution would need to be to cover the cost.
    3. Report on the Equipment Closet: Ladella rented the baby wolf out and will make sure it is back for demos at the sale. Ladella would like to review the paperwork, policies and procedures so that can all be correct and updated for the equipment rental. 
    4. Report from Maggie: There is one special project application and also one study group also wants to apply but there is a conflict since many people in this study group are board members. Discussion about process of board members applying for special projects. This would be fine as long as the people reviewing the special project don’t know who is applying and if the study group is open to taking new members who aren’t on the board (i.e. if the group is open to all members). So this is probably something that can be worked around ethically as long as the study group is advertised and open to all members. 
    5. Sue on Programs: Linda is interested in running programs, but since she is new to the area she wants some training and/or acclimation time. The programs for next year are pretty ironed out. September Rosalie Nelson on rep weave, October Heather Winslow on Theo Moorman, November is fiberevolution (?) – linen, December workshops, jan/feb keep things close and local – linda could do one on how to frame stuff, March Daryl Lancaster and a couple more options for later in the year. So at this point the year is pretty close to nailed down and there are ideas for other programs and other options like doing field trips etc. Sue will send these to Amy to post online.
    6. Amy on Website: Added to resources based on a list sent by Robin, updated the member page and is picking up a donated shuttle. 
    7. Dan: Made a new member guide. It is being looked over by Amy and Barbara and then Dan will send it out to the rest of the group to look over. Also a plan to start scanning and posting historical documents online. 
  7. Next Meeting: No meeting in March since it is the first day of the retreat. The next meeting is in April 
  8. Adjourn: Adjourned at 8:20