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Covid Notice

PHG has resumed in-Person Meetings. We will follow the MAC guidelines. Vaccinations and masking are encouraged but not required. Please take common sense health precautions to protect yourself & avoid exposing others if you feel unwell. Thanks & stay safe!

PHG Meeting Info

NOTICE: Meetings will be held both in-person and on Zoom until further notice. Zoom links are provided in the PHG Calendar where Zoom participation is available.

PHG meets on the second Thursday of every month during September - June at the Multnomah Art Center.

Morning Meetings 10am - noon, 9:30am social
Evening Meetings 7pm - 9pm, 6:30 social

Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings generally follow the same agenda:
* Welcome new members and guests
* Show and Share
* Brief Announcements
* Short Social Time
* Program Presentation

Multnomah Arts Center
7688 Southwest Capitol Highway,
Portland, OR 97219-2489
Phone: (503) 823-2787

PHG Board Meeting 10-21-20

Portland Handweavers Guild Board Meeting
7 PM, October 21, 2020
Online Zoom Meeting

  1. Call to Order – Meeting called to order 7:04pm
    1. Roll Call: Maggie Patterson, Lynne Fitzsimmons, Dan Steves, Chris Rossi, Janis Johnson, Sue Walsh, Linda Edquist, Sylvia Emard, Robin Korybski
  2. Minutes approved
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Lynette not present). Chris wants to see where we are tracking against the budget, and needs a copy of the budget
  4. Requests for Donations
    1. HGA membership renewal is up; they also want a donation to Fiber Trust. Weave A Real Peace wants a donation.
    2. We had previously discussed reallocating the budgeted WEGO travel money to Fiber Trust.
    3. Janis moved to donate, Linda second
    4. Discussion: Robin still wondering about budget and membership tracking
      1. Current members 159, 22 are lifetime vs 228 (incl 22 lifetime) of last year. About 75% of last year
      2. Paypal 10515.16
      3. Sue – WEGO grant. Guilds get a grant on a rotating cycle; 16 guilds, 4/year. $500 per guild. We will receive $500. Money to be spent w/in the year. The money usage is pretty open.
      4. Other money ​are we​ not spending – rental at MAC, >$100 in the morning, more in the evening, each month. Plus the board meeting room, so $250-300 month. Programs paid a portion of the travel expenses. Right now folks charging $250-300 per presentation. But we are having more presenters than if we had been live. Like for Dec. Linda is waiting to hear back from me on Jennifer Moore and Deb Jarchow.
      5. A staggering amount of discussion on presentations/speakers
    5. Back to the motion – donation to Fiber Trust (educational things). Sue – at HGA meeting asking for donations to go to the Fiber Trust. We had donated for many years, then we had financial issues and stopped. Money was generated from the raffle that we don’t have any more. Maybe the studio could donate an object.
    6. Vote to donate $100 to Fiber Trust of HGA
    7. Passed unanimously
    8. Weave a Real Peace donation – did we decide anything?
  5. Directors Reports
    1. GOTG LLC:
      1. Janis is no longer the secretary, is now the treasurer.
      2. GOTG is discussing changing their organizational structure. They are about ready to refund money back to the guilds, although, as money as already been used, there will not be a full refund. PHG will not get back $1200 of their total contribution.
      3. Linda asks if we are charged as a percentage, because we are a much smaller guild. Org exp, split 6 ways. Venue, potters pay half, wood and metal pay a little more than the balance of the expense. It depends on what the expense is. Potters only pay 1/6 of the org expenses, but they only have one of the six votes
      4. Good for us and a huge outreach opportunity
      5. Sue – likelihood of fall sale – GOTG not planning on one. PHG? Don’t start planninguntil 3 months ahead of time. Harder and harder to do that at MAC; classes take priority. Dan – auditorium availability is tight. Used the gym. Then we things closed down. Other guilds are interested in doing fall shows.
    2. Linda – trying to pull together the final program list for 2021. It is filling out fairly nicely.
      Haven’t pursued additional study groups. Chris – tapestry? Linda, but people are kind of burned out on Zoom. Attendance has been good. Have any been accessing the programs on the website? Dan will try to find out. Some members may not even have internet.
    3. Janis – put something in the newsletter about members needing assistance to connect.
    4. Linda – will send acknowledgement when she gets pictures for the show and tell
    5. Robin – new books and some donations via Dan. Cricket is rented out, BW is still out. Closet being rearranged to store the donations until Sue takes them away. She got a ladder. Trial run on the donated loom? Place to put it?.
    6. Sue, WEGO report – other WEGO grant awardees – Umpqua, Heritage (Brookings), AuroraColony. All 4 WEGO officers agreed to continue for another term. Brought down a passel of books, 150 books in all. Will be taking down stuff that Robin has collected. Met a PHG weaver at the Charbonneau Rest Stop, was forced to take a loom – the guild’s rental loom was lost, donated loom was Ashford 8s table loom, w/reeds and shuttles. WEGO has established a small working group to work out how to collect and move things around the state. Excess will go on Weavers Mktplace on FB, money will go to weavers so they can buy to replace things. Making another run middle of November. Mostly small stuff; big stuff covered by insurance. We donated a lot of stuff.
    7. Sue – feeling of isolation – smaller guilds have lost their library and meeting spaces. Is it possible for others in WEGO to access our recorded programs? Robin – they can come to our live programs. Dan – I could give you links to each of the recordings; only need the link to view. Loading them to youtube; private videos, not searchable. Meetings open to the public; zoom link on the website. They could introduce themselves at the beginning of the meeting. However, internet connections are weak in some of the outlying areas.
    8. WEGO will be going virtual in April; only expense will be our membership fee
    9. Maggie – not a lot of stuff going on for outreach. Did donate 4 boxes yarn to Judilee Fitzhugh’scharity for the homeless
    10. Dan – already talked about membership 159 incl 22 lifetime. Generated a lot of new members in the last 3 years; not sure what is happening. (Sue, how many members are we losing) good point, next thing I am looking into. What are trends? No demographics. Janis – seems that younger people are showing up a meetings.
    11. Dan – website – feeling really good about where we are now. Automation set up nicely (membership, access to website, Syl’s mail list at MailChimp is updated). Will send a tips forfinding things on the website. Like “budget” in the search box.
    12. Workshops – We have Robin Spady pencilled in for July. Also discuss timing/planning w/Donna (Color workshop); schedule for Central Oregon presentation was 1.5 hrs/3d/wk, 2 wks.