As the Multnomah Arts Center has recently allowed limited access to the building, we are now able to access the library and rental equipment. The rental equipment procedure will be the same as before the shutdown (send rental requests from the “members only” section of the PHG website). The process of checking out materials, by necessity, has changed. It is based on some of the public libraries’ materials-to-go procedures. They are as follows:
1. Consult the library catalog for items of interest. The library page on the PHG website offers some tips on how to use it on a desktop computer. Periodicals are not listed in the catalog, but are available for checkout.
2. Email the list of items you would like to check out by the Sunday evening before the third Thursday of the month with a subject line “PHG library request”. Maximum four (4) items per member. Check that your membership is current before requesting items.
3. Before Thursday, you will receive an email to let you know if items are not available. They may be currently checked out and there is no way to guarantee that they will be back in time or someone may have requested them earlier.
4. Pick up items between 10:00 and 10:30 AM on the third Thursday of the month in the courtyard off the back parking lot of the Multnomah Arts Center. If you wish to have another member pick up your items, please email Robin Korybski to let her know, sending a copy to the person picking them up to ensure that all are aware of the arrangement. Masks are required. Please adhere to social distancing guidelines.
You do not need to give prior notice to return items or to have another member return your materials. If you currently have materials out, you should be receiving an email reminder within the next couple of weeks.
Returns Options
Most members who checked items out before the shutdown have received email reminders.
A few options to return materials:
1. During library pickup time.
2. Mail them to the guild post office box (P.O. Box 6676, Portland, OR 97228) or to Robin’s address, which you can look up in the member directory on the guild web site.
3. If you are in the Beaverton/Hillsboro area, you can drop them off at Robin’s home.
If you choose option 2 or 3, please email Robin Korybski, so that she knows to expect them.
You can use this form to make your library and rental requests, or to get more information about rentals and library items.
[contact-form-7 id=”2198″ title=”Library Request”]