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Covid Notice

PHG has resumed in-Person Meetings. We will follow the MAC guidelines. Vaccinations and masking are encouraged but not required. Please take common sense health precautions to protect yourself & avoid exposing others if you feel unwell. Thanks & stay safe!

PHG Meeting Info

NOTICE: Meetings will be held both in-person and on Zoom until further notice. Zoom links are provided in the PHG Calendar where Zoom participation is available.

PHG meets on the second Thursday of every month during September - June at the Multnomah Art Center.

Morning Meetings 10am - noon, 9:30am social
Evening Meetings 7pm - 9pm, 6:30 social

Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings generally follow the same agenda:
* Welcome new members and guests
* Show and Share
* Brief Announcements
* Short Social Time
* Program Presentation

Multnomah Arts Center
7688 Southwest Capitol Highway,
Portland, OR 97219-2489
Phone: (503) 823-2787

Workshop Policy

Amended on July 7, 2022


As a benefit to its members, PHG will sponsor workshops. Responsibility for administering workshops will rest with the Workshop Chairperson as below.

Policies/Duties for Workshop Attendees

1.     Priority of PHG Members; Non-Member Enrollment. 

  • Anyone may sign up for workshops in priority order as follows: 
    • First priority to enroll in a PHG sponsored workshop will be given to PHG members. 
    • If there is space available within a month of the workshop (or another date if one is listed in the workshop announcement OR if workshop signups are slow) and if it is feasible for the potential enrollee to complete required pre-workshop tasks in time, individuals who are members of guilds within the Weaving Guilds of Oregon (WeGO) will be given second priority with no surcharge on a first-come, first served basis. 
    • If space remains available, the Workshop Chair may open registration to non-members with a $25 surcharge, also on a first-come, first-served basis. Non-members will be assessed the $25 before the workshop commences.

2.     Snacks.  

  • Attendees are free to bring their own food, snacks, and beverages subject to approval by the instructor and consistent with any restrictions of the site.

3.     Materials Costs. 

  • Any materials costs shall be paid separately by the workshop participants to the instructor (the Workshop Chair or designate will collect them and pass on to the instructor).

4.     Hosting the Workshop Instructor. 

  • The host of the workshop instructor will be given a voucher or credited $25.00 per night of hosting applicable to a workshop fee.  This voucher may be used by the host or, if the host has a family membership, anyone covered by the family membership, and is otherwise nontransferable.

5.     Cancellation and Refunds 

  • An enrollee may cancel their enrollment as follows:
  • In all cases listed below, the amount of the refund is adjusted or delayed if withdrawing from the workshop causes the number of participants to drop below the minimum required to have the workshop meet the costs of the workshop.
  • At least six weeks prior to the workshop – full refund
  • Between six weeks and three weeks prior to the workshop – half refund
  • Less than three weeks prior to the workshop – no refund (extenuating circumstances* will be considered on a case to case basis.)
  • Should there be extenuating circumstances* beyond the control of the Guild and/or workshop instructor, necessitating cancellation of the workshop, full refunds will be issued to all participants, minus the cost of any workshop materials prepared specifically for the workshop.  Enrollees will receive those materials.  The Guild will absorb any unrecoverable expenditures.
    • * a pandemic is a type of extenuating circumstance.
  • If a workshop enrollee cancels and the workshop was fully subscribed, priority will be given to those on the waiting list.  If the spot is filled from the waiting list, a full refund may be given.

6.     Transfer of Enrollment. 

  • Workshop enrollees who wish to cancel must give first priority to those on the waiting list, if any.
  • Workshop enrollees who wish to cancel may, however, transfer their enrollment to another person provided that the enrollee notifies the workshop chair of the change and the workshop chair has no objection. 
  • If enrollment is transferred, the transferee is responsible for all workshop fees and any materials fees. If any fees have already been paid by the individual who cancelled, then the transferee is responsible for reimbursing the initial enroll. 
  • If enrollment is transferred to a non-PHG or WEGO member, the additional $25 surcharge will be assessed.

7.     Disqualification of Benefit. 

  • If an enrollee has habitually failed to pay as described in this policy, disrupted workshops, showed up unprepared for a round-robin workshop, or otherwise abused the workshop benefit provided by PHG, then the Workshop Chair or any other PHG member may provide the Board with a complaint, information to support the complaint, and a recommendation to disqualify the enrollee from future benefits. The Board will allow the enrollee an opportunity to respond to the complaint, consider the complaint and response, and make its decision in writing to the enrollee.

8.     Guests.

  • PHG does not allow guests, visitors, or auditors. Only the workshop leader and those who are enrolled in the workshop may attend.  

9.     Service Animals.

  • Trained service animals, such as Seeing-Eye dogs are permitted.

Policies/Duties of the Workshop Chair

1.     Costs of Workshop Instructor to be covered by PHG.

  • Payment due the instructor will be clarified through a contract between the instructor and PHG, executed by the instructor (or his/her/their designee) and the PHG President. PHG will pay for the instructor(s)’s teaching fees, lodging, meals, transportation as follows:
    • PHG will pay the instructor’s rate as negotiated by the Workshop Chair.
    • PHG will offer a host home to the workshop instructor(s) if they reside more than 30 miles from the workshop venue, unless otherwise agreed. If no host home is available that meets the needs of the instructor(s), PHG may, at its discretion, arrange for, or reimburse the instructor for lodging at a local accommodation.
    • PHG will provide lunch, or reimburse the purchase of lunch, for the guest lecturer, at his or her request, to a maximum of $20 for each day that the instructor is leading the workshop.
    • PHG will pay mileage at the then-current IRS rate, unless otherwise agreed. PHG will pay for common carrier transportation at the coach-class rate; the instructor will be responsible for any upgraded transportation. PHG will reimburse the instructor for transportation subject to the instructor submitting a receipt for expenses.
    • PHG will pay for any needed ground transportation to/from the airport.
    • PHG will pay for baggage fees.
    • As noted above, any materials costs shall be paid separately by the workshop participants to the instructor.
    • Program pays for the instructor’s meal(s) on the Guild meeting/program day.
    • Transportation costs (airfare and lodging) will be split proportionally between Program and Workshops.

2.     Cost of the Workshop Facility to be covered by PHG

  • The Workshop Chair locates and reserves a suitable facility for the workshop.  Facility considerations to include:
    • Sufficient room for the participants, their looms/equipment, and the instructor’s materials.
    • An accessible restroom
    • Parking
    • Ease of access to move looms/other equipment into and out of the facility.
    • Reasonable lighting and electrical outlets
    • Tables, chairs, a big whiteboard
    • Close-by lunch opportunities
    • Secure facility; where equipment can be stored overnight

3.     Contents of the Instructor Contract

  • The contract should contain the following: (there should be an approved template)
    • List of services provided by the instructor, typically workshop(s) and program(s)
    • Workshop specific:
      • Workshop dates
      • Workshop instructor fee per day
      • Workshop start/day/date (9am)
      • Workshop materials fee
      • Maximum number of participants
      • Registration deadline, as in, when is too late for the instructor to plan for the additional participant.
      • PHG
        • Publicizes the workshop
        • finds the location
        • provides whiteboard and markers
        • provides other supplies/equipment requested by instructor
        • provides instructor lunch or reimbursement up to $20 per day
        • manages participant registration; collects registration fees
        • notifies instructor of number of participants
        • provides participant contact info to instructor
        • distributes supply lists/set up instructions
    • Program specific:
      • Program listing/topic
      • Program instructor fee
      • Lunch and dinner provided on day of program
      • List of equipment provided for program, setup time
    • Host home or hotel (negotiated before contract is final; preferred is host home)
    • Travel expenses covered (airfare, baggage, ground transportation); receipts required
    • Cancellation policy
    • Payment details

4.     Determining the Workshop Cost

  • Fees for the Workshop should be designed to recover 
    • the instructor’s fee, 
    • transportation (if applicable, pro-rated with Program), 
    • instructor lodging (if applicable, pro-rated with Program)
    • instructor lunches
    • room rental (if applicable), 
    • other fees and costs
  • The Workshop Chair has latitude in setting the final price of the workshop.
    • As of 2021, we are experimenting with workshop pricing, in that there is a maximum workshop cost, but as the number of attendees past the minimum increases, the workshop price goes down.  Attendees pay a deposit, and then are billed for the additional amount to make up the final workshop cost.
    • The workshop chair does not pay the workshop fee, but does pay any materials fees.
    • The host receives a $25/night credit, as described above.
  • PHG will not provide participants with complimentary snacks or beverages, nor include their cost in the workshop pricing structure. Attendees are free to bring their own food, snacks and beverages subject to approval by the instructor and consistent with any restrictions of the site.

5.     Registration, Deposits, and Fees

  • The Workshop Chair shall determine and announce a timeline for registration deadlines given the date(s) of the workshop and based on the type of workshop and needs of the workshop leader and students to prepare in advance of the workshop. 
  • As of 2021, we are experimenting with workshop pricing, in that there is a maximum workshop cost, but as the number of attendees past the minimum increases, the workshop price goes down.  Attendees pay a deposit, and then are billed for the additional amount to make up the final workshop cost.
    • The Workshop Chair may agree to a later date if there are extenuating circumstances at their discretion, or to accommodate late enrollees such as non-members described above.
  • Materials fees assessed by the instructor on a per student basis are the responsibility of the enrollee unless specifically described otherwise in the contract between PHG and the instructor. The student will pay for any materials fees separately at the time listed in the workshop announcement. The workshop chair may collect them on behalf of the instructor. 

6.     Workshop Profits

  • Workshops are responsible for their budgeted income over the budget year.