Attendees: Peggy, Kay, Cindy, Elise, Vianne, Lynne, Constance
Show and Tell
Our theme this month was something with variegated yarn, everyone has something.
Elise had a boatload of things to show, including another hand-carved band heddle.
Peggy recommended software: Warp Visualizer and Inkle Visualizer
Also, there is information on them in the Knit Foundry group on Ravelry
Constance told about her new Spriggs Creations floor inkle and handcrafted warp weights.
Lynne presented her finished pebble weave band and 7 pattern thread Baltic inkle band.
We explored ways for Elise to thread her new inkle loom.
We discussed various looms for band weaving.
Challenge for July: make something useful with a band.
July Meeting Project
Carve a band heddle with Elise! Bring a slat of wood (NOT balsa; you can get them at Rockler) and a sharp pocketknife or chip carving knife.